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2 months.

It was now December.

She had not talked to Tom.

She had not looked his way.

Every time she thought about him she pinched herself.

She was starting to wonder if she did love him.

Maybe she just deeply cared for him.

He did save her.

Maybe she made it all up in her head.

The trees grew thin as the winds grew harsher and harsher. She spent every minute of her waking time either studying or with Christian.

Even though he grew to be quite annoying.

"What are you doing for Christmas break?" Christian said.

"I'm going to my house" she said turning the page to her book.

"I want you to come stay with me. You can meet my parents" he said.

That definitely shocked her.

"I'm not meeting your parents Christian" she said looking up.

"Well why not?"

"They won't like me" she said.

"They will once they know you." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going so stop persisting" she spoke with authority and he shut his mouth. Suddenly the door swung open and Abraxas walked in and grabbed Marcelline hand but Christian held her back.

"What the hell" Christian said.

"Marcelline it's Tom. He needs you like now." Abraxas spoke in between breaths. Her heart stopped. She yanked her wrist from Christians hold.

"Take me to him" she said and they left her room leaving Christian alone.

His hand never left hers as they ran down the halls. Her head was spinning. What could of happened that made Abraxas so scared.

They ran into the 7th floor boys bathroom and suddenly she heard a wrenching sound. She seen Tom's face as he leaned into a toilet. His face was covered in blood from his nose and his lips covered in his own stomach fluids. Her heart completely stopped.

"What happened!" She yelled at the boys that surrounded their master. They all stood there dumbfounded.

"We don't know. He was fine one minute and now..."

She walked over to him and stared at his face. He didn't even realize that she was there, with every breath he took he threw up more and more. She saw a bit of bright pink color in the toilet and immediately knew what happened.

"Slepera" she whispered and suddenly he stopped throwing up and fell into a sleep. "Take him into the infirmary and tell the nurse that someone gave him a love potion but messed it up." She said gritting through her teeth.

They all nodded and went over to his sleeping body to pick him up. She suddenly walked right out of the bathroom with her face growing more and more red. She did not hear the footsteps running behind her as she entered the Slytherin common room.

"Walburga!" She yelled and everybody watched as she went up to the girl who looked like she could shit herself. Marcelline punched her square in the face and everybody gasped.

She grabbed her hair and dragged her over to the fish tank in the corner and stuck her head completely in it watching her scream underwater. No one made any moves to stop her.

"Marcelline!" Abraxas said running in the common room and grabbed her away from the girl. She shot her head up and coughed up so much water as Abraxas tried to drag the girl away.

"You just made an enemy out of me Black" she said pointing her wand at the girl who everybody was now surrounding.

"Learn how to make a fucking potion right" she said and Abraxas picked her up and pulled her up the stairs into his room.

"Are you crazy?!" He said putting her down on the bed. She only stared at him with a blank face.

"You're gonna get expelled!" He yelled and she rolled her eyes.

"She poisoned him! There was a practical reason for everything I did" she said defensively. He only stared at her and chuckled a little.

"You are crazy"

"The best people are Abraxas" she smirked at him.

Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now