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"Always reading Ms.Dubois" Albus said from behind the girl whom was sitting in a chair in front of his desk. "You have many books I have not read yet" she said not turning around.

"Please indulge yourself. You can take as many as you want" he said taking a seat in his chair. She set down the book she was reading to face him. His little smile on his face always confused her. How could he be so happy all the time?

"I am happy you agreed to have tea with me, would you like two sugars or one?"

"Black please" she said and he nodded and with one swish of his wand the cup floated over with the perfect amount of tee. "I remember the day I came and gave you your acceptance letter. I never seen you so lively when I told you we had a library." He said and she chuckled a bit.

"I have yet to read all the books in its vicinity but trust assured before I leave here I will complete my goal" she said taking a sip of her tea. "I admire your ambition" he said sipping on his own.

"I'd love to chat Albus but I must ask why you have asked me to come here?" She said.

"I was wondering what you have planned for after you leave Hogwarts?" He said and she stared at him in his eyes. "Your scared I put my potential in the wrong place?" She said and he laughed.

"Ah Ms.Dubois. No matter how hard I try you always break down my mind barrier. Yes if I'm being honest I am quite worried. You are a very talented witch, and a very powerful legilimens. Not just anyone can break my barrier yet you do every time." He said.

"I appreciate the compliment but I have great plans for after I leave Hogwarts. You do not have to worry"

"Do these plans include Mr.Riddle?" He said and she raised her eyebrows.

"I do not understand what you mean?" She said.

"I see you two have grown quite close."

"Me and Riddle are nothing more than acquaintances. I admire his intelligence and he does for me too" she said sipping on her tea.

"Mr.Riddle is an exceptional student. One of our finest." He said.

"He is good conversation"

"Ms.Dubois you are a very smart girl. I assure you feel the same presence I do when you are around him. I am not going sugar coat it with you. I feel a darkness within him. I see the way he stares. He has vengeance in his eyes and fire burning in his soul. I fear he has some evil plan after Hogwarts. Do you know of any sorts of plans?" He said.

"Like I said before me and riddle are just acquaintances. We do not speak of such, deep matters but from what I conclude I believe he wants to become a teacher here actually. He always talks about teaching the younger kids. You are a smart man Albus but I believe you are wrong here. I see no darkness within him but fire and ambition." She said.

"I see we have our different opinions but I respect yours. Thank you Ms.Dubois for listening and understanding. If you do not believe he has such intentions then I will have to believe too. I trust you, Marcelline" he said and she smiled.

"Thank you for putting your trust in me Albus. If I have any other conclusions or feel any other way I will let you know but I must be on my way. I have to study for your test tomorrow" she said and he smiled.

As she gathered her things he watched her intently. She had no hesitation. No sign of deception. Only a beautiful smile and Kind eyes. "Ms.Dubois, please do take that book. It has some inquiries I hope one day we can discuss on" he said pointing to the book she was reading when he came in. She turned around and walked back to the table to gather the book in her hand.

"Thank you Albus. Have a good night." She said and walked out of his office.


"What do you mean he suspects me?" Tom said sitting in the room of requirement. Marcelline was sat in front of him.

"He knows your up to something Tom. I don't know how he knows but he knows something. I couldn't see that deep into it but he doesn't trust you. I think I might have got him to loosen a bit but you have to be careful Tom." She said and he nodded.

"You can look into Dumbledore's mind?" He said looking at her eyes.

"Yes. To a certain point. He has a very strong mind barrier that I can only see certain points" she said.

"Can you see into mines?" He said sort of worried.

"No" she said looking at him.

"Have you tried" he said.


"Can you see into everyone else's?" He said.

"Yes. It's very draining though" he nodded.

"I lied to him. I said I do not have any affiliation with you. I told him that you wanted to be a teacher. I lied to him Tom. I don't know for how long he is going to believe me." She said.

"It's okay. He only has to believe until were done school. One more year. Can you do that for me?"

"He tries to look into my mind a lot. He's very powerful Tom and I don't know what he would do if he finds out our plans." She said with a nervous voice.

"He won't. You are stronger than him Marcelline. One more year. I promise and then your free of him." He said cupping her face in his hands.

She nodded. "I'm with you to the end, Tom" she said and his tingle was down her back.

"As am I, Princess"

Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now