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The Great Hall was quiet. She liked it this way. The sun barely rising with very few students and teachers. It allowed her to relax and enjoy her breakfast in peace. She enjoyed being alone.

She quickly put a strawberry into her mouth flipping the page to The Study of Alchemy. She knew she wasn't going to take Alchemy but was quite interested in learning it. She was interested in learning anything she didn't know. It made her feel good about herself knowing she just learned something others didn't.

She strived to learn. She could never understand why others would complain. It simply could not make sense to her why they would be annoyed to go to class. Everyday they taught her something new and for that she was grateful. These ignorant kids could not understand what they have. She is grateful everyday that she has such a place to learn, but the place of learning is littered with scum with little minds.

They just don't understand her. Nobody did. Students rarely heard her talk except when she is answering questions. She knows they find her weird, her nose always stuck up in a book. She did not mind what they though, for their opinion was inferior to hers.

She heard light footsteps and looked up from her book to see who would be up at such a time. She was met with the one person she actually would expect to be here

Tom Riddle.

She knew Tom had the same interest in her, for his nose was always stuck in some book too. They knew of each other, for a competition was embarked every year between the two. An unspoken one to see who excelled more. Tom was always first in his classes. This angered Marcelline but she was honestly quite impressed. The Slytherin boy had quite a broad mind, she admired it.

The two had never spoken words to each other. The two had never even glanced at each other's eyes, only watched from afar. Tom didn't know the girl and quite honestly didn't want to. If he was being honest, which he rarely is, he respected the Ravenclaw girl. She made his life harder than it should have been with his classes. He always ended first but it did not come that way without a fight, for she was too an exceptionally gifted student like himself.

She had this aura that she did not know she had. This powerful aura. One that made others look away as she walked down the corridors. He respected that as he had the same aura. But she was a silly girl and could never understand what Tom had in mind, so he merely glanced from afar but had never talked to her. Time was precious and he would not waste any on a girl.

This all changed when one of his followers, Abraxas Malfoy, came to the Slytherin common room with his nose bleeding and vomit coming out of him every 5 seconds. Tom did not care that the boy was severely sick but was confused on who had hexed him. Most know not to mess with his little group for they feared their leader. When Abraxas wrote down the name of the Ravenclaw girl he had watched from A far, he knew he must talk to her.


Marcelline was sat in her favorite seat in the library. The far corner round table with only two chairs. It was a great view of everyone in the library but far enough so they knew not to come to her with conversation. She did not want to speak with these weak minded kids, for she was much to busy with learning how the time turner was come to be. Maybe one day she would be able to make on herself? But risky it would be.

She sighed getting up and putting back her book she had just finished. She walked up and down the aisles filled to the brim with books when one particular one caught her eye. A history to Ancient Dark Magic.

She had been quite interested in that magic, as it is not taught here. She read many books as they allowed her. What she did not know fascinated her. With that thought she went to reach for the book but was met with a great reality that it was on the very top shelf, and she was only 5'2.

"Need some help darling" a deep voice spoke from behind her. She turned around to be met Tom Riddle and his devilish smile. She only stared at him for a half a second for shaking her head No and walking over to get a chair to climb on. It was a rule you cant use magic in the library or she would have simply just summoned the book to her very seat.

"You could fall that way. These chairs aren't very reliable. If you tell me which one you need I can simply get it for you" Tom said still behind her, slightly amused at the girl.

She looked at him and huffed with annoyance. "The one on the top shelf, A History to Ancient Dark Magic" she said with no emotion in her voice but Tom was quietly shocked that she would want such a book. He had read that book thoroughly and could probably recite it back word for word. It had nothing amazing in it but still no average Ravenclaw would want to learn about Dark Magic.

She moved over so Tom could grab the book with ease. She never did realize how tall he was in person, easily over 6'0. He handed the smaller girl the book she had so desired and she gave a small smile and a thank you, turning to leave to her table again, leaving Tom alone. He had almost forgot why he was here, but quickly recollected himself and walked to where she was. He put his books down and sat in the seat across from hers. She glanced up looking at him with confusion.

"What are you doing?" She said looking in his eyes. Nobody ever looked in his eyes so he had to keep from showing a face.

"There was no other seats" lie. She thought as she glanced around at the very empty library and could count about 12 empty tables she could just in her vicinity.

He made no face when she looked back at him very unimpressed. He did not even glance at her but was very deep into his book about Ancient Runes. Did he even take that class?

"I have a question for you" he said not glancing at her. She furrowed her eyebrows together. She had never spoke to this man but yet he has questions for her?

"Abraxas Malfoy, as you know is one of my most trusted friends. Why when he showed up to the Slytherin common room with a bloody nose and was releasing his stomach all over he only wrote down your name?" He said finally putting the book down to look directly in her eyes.

She rolled her eyes at the memory he was talking about. "Malfoy had tried to hex me while I was walking down the stairs. I thought that was quiet pathetic, attacking someone while they are vulnerable. He must of thought lowly of me so I showed him that I am not vulnerable and he could not easily attack me" she said leaning back in her seat.

"Well you did quiet impress me with how much he was spilling. I do believe I must talk to him about that, that was a very pathetic move. He won't bother you no more" Tom said staring at the girl.

She only nodded and dug her head in her book again, ignoring his presence. "I must get going but I would hope to find you here again, maybe I could help you if you want to know more about the sorts of that book in your palms" Tom said standing up. She looked at him up and down.

"We could arrange that"

"Great. I must know your name first, I do not wish to not be able to speak to you without knowing your name" he said knowing her name but wanting her to tell it to him.


"Tom" he said sticking out his hand which she shook with a firm hand.

"I hope to see you again soon Marcelline" he said turning around before she could answer. He smirked to himself. She would be a great asset to his collection.

Marcelline, the Ravenclaw with eyes of Slytherin.

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