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Marcelline walked into the Slytherin common room. She was so used to it now that no one said anything or glanced at her anymore.

"Hello Beautiful" Theo said approaching the girl. "Tom called a meeting but said to follow you." Theo said and she nodded knowing exactly where it is going to be held. Abraxas Malfoy was talking to a raven haired girl in the corner until he noticed Marcelline then he completely left her mid sentence, it was like a trance. The rest of his followers flocked to her and she walked out with them behind her.

"Who was that you were talking to?" She said as Abraxas approached her. "Jealous?" He said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"You wish Malfoy. The look she was giving me didn't seem very friendly but I haven't talked a day in my life to her" she said walking up the stairs.

"That was Walburga Black. We use to date but we all know she was using me to get to Tom, she has like a weird obsession with him. She was only a good shag anyway. If anything it was a mutual using relationship" he said with a slight laugh. "That's disgusting" she said turning up the 7th floor.

"She thinks you put Tom under a love spell or something. He really never associates himself with other houses and then you come and proved that wrong" he said and she nodded her head.

"She is clearly a fool" she said and suddenly the door appeared after a few times. They all stood back not realizing. She walked in and seen the same table with as many seats as they needed. She walked in with them trailing and they all gasped as they stepped inside.

"Tom should be here any minute" she said and they all nodded taking a seat. They knew to leave the one at the very end for him, their lord. She found that Tom must have been practicing that spell because in the corner she found the spell book she wrote it in. She smirked as today is the day they pledged their allegiance.

"Find anything interesting?" Tom said from behind her. She turned around and he was wearing a black button up tucked into his pants. Every time she sees him she has this animal instinct to pounce on him.

"Actually no" she said with a smirk walking right pass him and near the table. She took a seat at the very end as that one was the only open.

"Move" she heard Tom say and Avery looked up and realized Tom was asking him to move. "Yes my lord" he said hurrying out of the seat. He motioned for Marcelline to come and sit there and she obliged. It was the closest seat next to Tom, her and Malfoy were the closest. They glanced at each other and his stupidity on his face wanted to make her slap him. He was confused on why he wanted her close to him.

"Today is a very important meeting. Today is the day you prove your loyalty truly does lie on me. Marcelline here has come up with a spell. A spell that will prove your loyalty." He said smirking at Marcelline. "Show them, Beautiful" he said and she felt the same shivers. Abraxas flared his nostrils as he called her that.

She pulled up her sleeve and there was a dark tattoo, moving ever so slightly. It was still slightly red but stood there on her beautiful porcelain skin. Tom hadn't seen it since that day. He felt the same way he did when she first got it. Overwhelmed.

They all looked at the skull with the snake. They all watched as Marcelline covered it again and leaned back in her seat. Nobody said anything. Everybody knew that today is the day they give their life away to their lord. The fear in the room was so prominent.

"Does it hurt?" Orion finally said and Marcelline rolled her eyes. "Scared black? A little pain never hurt nobody" she said with a dark evil twinkle in her eyes. He backed down into his seat, wanting to sink and not be there no more.

"Malfoy. You are one of my most trusted followers. Do I have your full loyalty? Tom said staring at the boy he knew was obsessed with his Marcelline. Abraxas looked around and nodded. "Yes my lord" he said.

"Roll up your sleeve" he said and stood up to tower of him. Abraxas looked like a little mouse compared to him and Marcelline couldn't help but enjoy the sight.

Tom started muttering the words Marcelline knew oh so well and watched as the mark started to appear. She watched Abraxas face as it showed discomfort and pain. Oh she wanted to laugh at him. I guess he doesn't take pain well. Tom noticed it too. Tom noticed that within all of them, no one took it as well as Marcelline, whom didn't even flinch but made extreme eye contact with him during the whole thing.

No one said anything as he made his way around the table. They all agreed even though some hesitated which made Marcelline eyebrows furrow. Tom made his way back around to his seat, passing Marcelline; he made sure he brushing his fingers ever so lightly along her as he did. She felt them and shivered but smiled. No one noticed; except the one person who suspected something between them even more now. Abraxas Malfoy was furious.

"Now that it is done. I am ending this meeting short. I have business to attend to" he said and everybody nodded and got up but he nodded at Marcelline to stay. "Are you coming?" Abraxas said seeing as she was still seated next to Tom, who hand was now placed firmly on her knee as Malfoy spoke to her.

"She's staying with me Malfoy. You are dismissed" he said watching the boy eyes flick between the two and sighed walking away.

"I have a very important mission for you Marcelline" he said his fingers running circles around her bare knee. She was frozen in her very spot. "I need you to get close with the Grey Lady and get her to tell you where the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw. I need to know the location by the end of the school year" he said and she nodded. "May I ask what it is for?" She asked and he smirked at her.

"You will know soon enough. Don't tell no one about your mission." He said and she nodded again. She watched him stand up and stand over her. She was looking up at him and he wanted to take a picture to have this in his memory forever. He grabbed her chin and ran his thumb along her plump pink lips. "Always such a good girl for me." He said darkly. She didn't say anything. "I have a surprise for you too." He said letting her go and she finally felt like she could breathe.

"I don't like surprises Tom" she said.

"It has two parts but for the first one you must trust me. Do you trust me Marcelline?" He said and she hesistated. "Do I have a reason not to?" She said with a small smile.

"Follow me then"

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