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A meeting was called at the Malfoy Manor once a week. They were planning to invade a Ministry Party. Kill as many people as possible.

This time...Tom would be there.

So everybody had to be on their best behavior.

"My lord-" Bella started but he ignored her. Marcelline was starting to become very agitated with the eldest Black sister.

"You really don't know when to stop do you?" She said turning to her with a smile. Bella rolled her eyes and turned her head back to the dark lord who was announcing his plans. Everybody and their mother was on thin ice right now. If this didn't work out exactly the way he wanted it to then they knew they were gonna be in deep shit.

"Marcelline you will be walking in first. Make sure you get into the mind of the security guards. They cannot know we are here" he said looking at her and she nodded.

"I can also do it-"

"Will you shut up?" Marcelline said turning again to Bellatrix; her nostrils flared. She's use to girls throwing themselves at Tom, but this was just crazily obsessive.

Tom smirked looking at Marcelline.

Jealousy was a good look.

"You are dismissed" he said after the meeting. Everyone scurried off into different parts of the manor probably to discuss the plan Tom had declared.

"Quite the temper today" Tom said going up to Marcelline.

"She's annoying I don't understand why we need her. She doesn't do anything but sit there and drool over you" she said putting down her glass of water.

"Followers out of Love are the best ones though" he said slyly. She rolled her eyes knowing that we was talking about her.

"Oh my Dear Marcelline. She doesn't mean anything to me. She is simply just here because she has important family and can pull strings." He said taking her hands in his.

"She's getting on my last nerve" she said gritting her teeth.

"Well if she annoys you that bad then you know what you can do. It is simply up to you my dear. Now come and walk with me. I want to show you something." He said and she nodded.

They walked outside and into the trees in the back of the manor. Hand in hand they stepped over branches and sticks. They felt the breeze go against their skin and heard the winds. He pulled her to a stop when they had reached their destination.

"You know when Abraxas had told me what you had done to him the very first time we had met; it baffled me. I had known of you and how...petite you were. How could someone so dainty and small produce something so powerful?" He said as she stared at beautiful waterfall he had brought her too.

"I don't know I was very angry back then" she said with a small smile.

She sat down on the grass. Her hair going wild in the wind. It was almost beautiful.

But there's always a catch with Tom.


"Tom. This is absolutely beautiful. May I ask why we are actually here?" She said and he sighed and sat down next to her.

"I admire you. I may not admit it and I know I have an ego but I do admire you" he said and she laughed at the part where he said he had an ego.

"That's a bit of an understatement" she said and he laughed to.

"Would you ever lie to me?" He said and she felt like her heart dropped.

"I would never" she said. He turned to look at her. His hair slightly messy from the wind showing his natural curls. Light shining perfectly on his dark eyes that made them seem even the tiniest bit of gold.

"But you just did my Princess" he said and her heart did drop then. She sighed knowing it was not good to lie.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to stress you-"

"Severus told me your reasoning. His actions were noble and I although you both lied to me am extremely happy you went to him for help. After this meeting we are going to take you to a Healer" Tom said and she sighed nodding.

"Can you explain to me when this started?" He said.

"I don't know maybe a few weeks. It started off as a bit of a cough. Thought maybe some how I had caught a muggle cold" she said and he flinched but nodded making her proceed.

"It became worse. I always felt light headed. My emotions were on an all time high which is why I kept snapping on Bellatrix. I felt like my lungs were split in half and only one were in use and I didn't have much energy. Severus took notice and offered to make me a potion to help with the energy part and it does help. I am thankful for him" she said.

"I am too" he said.

"We are going to make you see a healer. I promise I won't let anything happen to you my dear" he said staring into her eyes.

Suddenly they felt like they were kids again. So In love but neither knew. He thought for a moment. What would of happen if he didn't go through with it all? If they just lived a normal life. It made him cringe. But him seeing her so weak and frail made him re think everything about his actions and choices.

Is it worth it?

"I need you to do something for me at the party" he said and she nodded.

"Keep an eye on Abraxas for me. He seems to have lost his way and I know you'll keep him in check" Tom said and she nodded.

"Come here" he said with inviting arms . She smiled and scooted closer to him, resting her head on his chest with his arm wrapped around her.

"I promise Marcelline. Nothing will happen to you. I will make sure of it" he said and she nodded softly falling asleep from being so exhausted.

Her body felt limp and Tom stayed like this in very deep thought.

Everything she does kept him mesmerized. When she was around; he felt like he was floating on a bunch of clouds. His ambition and goals all went away when she was here. All he wanted to do was sit here and have her close to him. Where he could protect her from anything that comes to harm her. Nothing would ever harm her. Not if he was alive. He would make sure of it.

He would rather die than to live in a world where the girl with Slytherin eyes is no more.

Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now