Chapter 43 - Spanda : Power Level

Start from the beginning

Once I got to the top, Franky and I said, 'Woah!' in unison.

"What the hell is this place?!" He said, still absolutely stunned. I was stunned too. It wasn't what I expected...

It had two crazy tall castles in the back, the tallest one farthest to the back saying the name of the island, but the entrance towards the real island was literal earth. Dirt. Grass. Soil. It was a natural bridge over nothing.

Though the thing that shocked me the most, that I'm shocked I couldn't hear, was the GIGANTIC WATERFALL SURROUNDING THE FLOATING ISLAND!

"Is this... a Waterfall?!" I said, almost breathlessly.

"What the fuck?!" Franky said in the same tone as mine.

"How... How did we not hear it?!" I stuttered again, now seeing that the island was floating. I could hear it clearly now that we went through the door, but why not when the door was closed?!

The agents behind us shoved us to keep moving and we walked along the long floating island, over the waterfall. Thankfully, I wasn't close enough to the edge to see the bottom. I was in between Franky and-

"I can't see the bottom!" Franky yelled, annoying the CP9 agents.

"FRANKYSTOPITIMGONNACRY!" I whined, holding in my tears. I wasn't lying either.

"What? Wait-... Are you scared of heights?!" He asked, almost stunned.

"I-... No." Is all I responded with before Kaku called us noisy and the giant gate behind us slammed to a close.

"You're lying!" Franky yelled at me.

"Says Who?!" I barked back, getting in his face.

We each received a hit to the head by Kalifa and continued walking towards the second door.


After reaching the main gate, we continued walking through a weird city-like town, with all brown buildings, seemingly made of dirt. The only thing that was strange other than being on a floating island was the sounds of fighting behind us.

"Franky... do you hear that?" I asked, walking beside him.

Everyone was silent for the majority of the walk, so now the attention was on me, without everyone looking. I could just tell by the atmosphere.

"It sounds like fighting. Because this is a marine base, the newbies are probably training or something." He responded, looking back towards the sound then looking at me.

"Ah, that makes sense." Then it was quiet again.

'I can just tell, but training doesn't sound like that. That's a battle.'

What I found ironic, was that they put me and Robin in just handcuffs, but Franky if cuffs AND chains. And the chains were absolutely ridiculous. And by that, they were huge. 

I know they used chains on him because he didn't have a devil fruit, but I felt somewhat... underestimated.

Though, if someone I had to capture was in sea stone and had a devil fruit too, I would probably underestimate them, too.

After a decent amount of walking and silence, we were probably ¾ of the way through the town, when suddenly, silent but noticeable sounds of swords clashing and gunshots were heard. I turned back and grimaced.

'What could be fighting? Unless...'

I didn't expect him to truly break into the base, although I guess I should have.

 He is Straw Hat Luffy, after all. 

The others probrobl;y had a plan and he threw it down the drain, just like all of my plans.

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