Andrew sighed. "Come on guys. We all know Emma cannot be capable of doing that."

"Oh really?" Brutes took out his phone and showed me the picture of the teacher and me in the teacher's lounge.

"Got anything to say, Emma?" Brute asked taking the screen away from my face.

"Nothing except he came to me first," I reply.

"So, you two aren't dating," he asked pushing up his glasses.

"No, we weren't." I shove another piece of food in my mouth and chewed but for some reason, it tasted bland.

"You don't seem to be telling the truth," he said. "And I am disappointed."

"So, you prefer to believe the person who sent the picture instead?" I ask.

"A picture speaks a thousand words, Emma," he replied.

"Even if it is fabricated?" I ask again.

There was an annoyed look in his eyes. "The video doesn't look fabricated to me."

"Mmm, it looks pretty realistic to me." Aubrey chimed in staring at her phone.

An awkward silence hung in the air while something stabbed me in the heart. 'My friends were believing this trash?'

Looking at Brutes I shook my head in disappointment and stood up. "For a smart guy who is a short-stack, you have a shallow way of thinking."

"And for a girl who goes both ways, you have a terrible taste in both genders."

His clap back stung because he had a point.

A huge one.

Making my decision, I walk out on them and head to the girl's room to do my business. While I was washing my hands, the cubicle door behind me swung open.

"Willing to take a pregnancy test Milkshake?"

I smirk at the reflected image of Sandra who was grinning from ear to ear. "No, I don't need to do that thank you very much."

"Why not?" she walked closer to me toying with the object in her hands. "It's the only way to prove you aren't pregnant."

"Too bad you are going to alter it to look positive if I do it." I turn to face her. "Forget it, Agatha. I am not crawling back to you. You attention-sucking two-faced bitch."

Just as I suspected, she didn't take the insult well. Scoffing, she tried to pin me to the wall but I counter her attack, turned, and slam her face to the wall. Something cracked and when I let go, a piece of tile fell to the floor but the shock on her face made the damage worth it.

"Oh don't worry," I say opening the door wide as the bell rung. "I will pay for the damages."

Time flew quickly despite the rumors and the awkward atmosphere and I found myself changing my shoes and walking outside the school's building. Blocking the exit was Valarie advertising herself to Jake who stared at her with disinterest in his eyes.

"You should be with someone like me Jake." She said striking a pose. "At least I won't cheat on you like her."

Seeing there was more than one door to get in and out of the building, I choose the door by the left and leave. After making dinner, I dress up and take a taxi to the Eastside of Town aka, the Gambler's den.

"Black Bar, Black Bar, Black Bar...Ah, here it is!"

"You seem to be the only one excited for this meet-up," I whisper.


Luckily there wasn't a bouncer to question me so I walk in with ease. It was a calm bar with lots of patrons but a few bartenders. Sitting on a bar stool, I take out my phone and send a text to an unknown number.

Murder House (Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now