"Nice play on words."

I laugh while giving Penny a hug.

"Hey, well, I know how much you love my wits"

She says with a smile that takes up her whole face.

"I got you a caramel macchiato from Luciano's."

"Thank you!"

I say hugging her and taking my coffee from her small hand. Hope, knew that I loved Luciano's coffee, I stop there almost every morning. Now, it makes sense why Kai sped passed there this morning.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Pretty good."

I respond to Hope while taking a sip of the delicious caffeinated drink.

I noticed people glancing here and there at me. People who hardly paid any attention to me before.

"May I ask, what was the reason I was out? To you know, the norms."

"The flu."

Tatum response quickly.


"What is something wrong with that?"

"No, I mean that's a good reason for being out for the time that I was absent. I just don't know why people are staring at me like that?"

All my friends look around at each other and I can tell they want to laugh.



Says Kai with a smirk.

"That's not a nothing face."

I say narrowing my eyes at him.

"I mean, we could have said you had pneumonia due to the trampy outfit you ran out of the party in and everyone would have believed that lie too."

Smirked Penny.

My eyes shot open widely and I knew at this moment I looked like a deer in headlights.

"No, no, no, no! Hunter, erased those memories from people."

"Hunter, erased the memory of you punching she bitch in the face and alternating the memory to make people believe she fell from being too drunk. He did not erase the memory of hot mama Ava."

Tatum says cracking up.

"Oh my God, NOOOO!"

I say covering my mouth in disbelief.

"Yep, you have been the talk amongst all the boys and since you are single now you're fair game."

Says Penny completely disregarding that fact that Kai is standing right next to us. I saw him shift uncomfortably for a second.

"That's not true."

I reply.

"Don't believe me open your locker."

Penny says tapping my locker door.

I lift my eyebrow.

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