Chapter 11: Us

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Doves POV:

I woke up to the feeling of kisses being flushed against my neck.

"Good morning to you too." I smile with my eyes closed.

Ezra brings his lips to my cheek. "Good morning love."

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I meet eye to eye with his while his cheeks go big.

"I just feel like todays gonna be a good day." He shrugs.

"Oh yeah?" I smile.

"yeah." Ezra rasp in his morning voice, going back into kissing my neck. My tilt my head a little to the left so he can find the comfort into going deep.
A soft moan escapes my mouth, but that just give him a reason to do more. Ezra stops on a spot at my neck and begins to suck and softly lick.

"Ezra." I whisper. He doesn't stop, instead he grabs my waist so I cuddle closer with him. "Dove." He finally speaks.

"Mhm." Is all I can say.

"All I want is you."

That's what gets me to open my eyes. I smile at him, while gis hand is still clung to my waist. "Yeah me too."

After that, I left to go change at home. I said bye to Asher and later today I would see Ezra for his Skateboarding race.
For the time being I was just gonna hang with Pearl and Josie

It just took about an hour to meet up with them at Josies house.
"Hey guys" I say. Walking to the couch where they are.

Though they glance at me then at each other weirdly as if I have a bug on my face. "What" I ask. I wipe my face with my hand just in case there is actually a bug.

"Seems like you had fun last night" Josie teases. "What do you mean" I'm really confused.

"DJ you have a little something right there" Pearl points to my neck on the right. I quickly put my hand on my neck to see if anything is coming off, which nothing is not.

"Wait what?" I say, then walk to the bathroom. I stare into the mirror and-.

Ezra mother fuckin' Grey.

A gasp escapes my lips staring longer at the hickey Ezra gave to me this morning. I try putting water, but it's not coming off. You know what if anyone ask me what's on my neck I'm just gonna say I burnt my neck trying to curl my hair , that's what everyone else uses anyway.

Damn it Ezra. I swear you're literally the death of me.

I'm gonna kill him later today. I leave the bathroom and walk back to them.

"Come on DJ just admit it you like Ezra. You're wearing his hoodie and have a hickey on your neck" Pearl states.

It took me a minute but...

"Okay fine, I'm falling for Ezra " I confessed. Wow! I never really said it out loud and it feels really good. I really do like Ezra, yet I'm talking about him and he's still not here . I pull out my phone to text him really quick.


I send the text and immediately turn off the phone. I gaze up to Pearl and Josie having the biggest smirk on there face.

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