Chapter 20: Road trip pt. 3

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Doves POV:

9 hours, about 50 times stopping to get gas or stop to look at things, and long talks over random and funny topics. We finally reach California, and this is the most relaxed we've ever felt.

We decided to explore the walk of fame and after walk our way up to the Hollywood sign. When I was younger my dad would always tell me he would take me to California, just me and him. That's where most of his family is from and he wanted me to meet them.

Christmas is in exactly 3 more days and Chases Golden Star Ceremony is tomorrow and I can't wait to spend it with them. We're staying in California until after Christmas then we'll head to Washington Seattle.

"Anyone want frozen yogurt, it's right across the street." Pearl ask as I walk over Snoop Doggs star.

"Yes." Everyone responds with. I walk hand in hand with Ezra across the street and so do Milo and Pearl. They are really good together Pearl always hums to Milo song anywhere she goes.

Ezra opens the door for me and everyone else as we walk to the fro-yo part of the store. I get half mango and half strawberry, if I'm being honest I'll say there's more mango then strawberry because mango flavor is awesome.

We all pay separate, me and Ezra put both of ours on the scale I try and put my card in, yet Ezra beats me to it. Ezra and I take a seat inside the small booth.

Me and Ezra keep our contact for about a minute until he speaks up. "You okay?" Is one things I did not think he was going to say.
"Yes I'm fine, why?"

"Ever since we got in Cali you've been just a little down, so Dove what's wrong." I think I got a little to lucky, I'm always so use to hiding my feelings and going on with my day, but Ezra notices everything.

"It's my dad." I begin. Ezra expression doesn't change sometimes it's hard to read him like a book. "Its nothing much, it's just he said he would take me here and now he can't." I conclude.

"Lo siento mucho mi amor, solo sé que te amo y que estaré aquí a través de los buenos y malos"

(I'm so sorry my love, I just want you to know that I love you and that I'll be here through the ups and downs)

Ezra says in a strong accent. I didn't even know he could speak Spanish, usually he would speak to me in French, but now Spanish that's a lot.

"I don't know what your saying, I didn't even knew you spoke Spanish." I place my hand on my forehead. Ezra chuckles.

"I said some nice things, and I speak Spanish, French, and Italian." I gasp. This man can speak Italian. I'm dating an Italian man, I thought theses were only in the movie's. I didn't think Ezra could get any better then this.

"3 languages and the top love languages, what else don't I know about you." I exaggerate. Ezra laughs again, and this time it goes on for while.

"That's the thing about loving someone, you get to know them more even when you think you already do. 10 years from now you'll still be figuring things about me." Ezra states.

I widen my eyes, I didn't think he noticed, but I did. His words said, that's the thing about loving someone. I know I love him, the moment I met my eyes with him I knew that there was gonna be something.
Now I know, Ezra Grey loves me, or it maybe slipped and he didn't mean to say it, we haven't got to that point yet, but I ready for it.

Someone loves me, someone actually loves me.

It makes me wonder if I'm capable of falling in love. My father probably left because I wasn't worthy of his love. My mother doesn't even want to show it, and her husband makes it up to get it. So love doesn't run in the family, and despite the fact that I've never believed in it, every boy I dated we broke up before the "I love you." stage. Since meeting Ezra, the spark in me has changed; I'm madly in love with him, and I've never been more terrified.

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