Chapter 3: Afraid

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Doves POV:

When I entered Mrs. Lara class I moved toward my seat. I look around and Ezra was no where to be found .

We just saw each other at lunch where could he be ?

"Alright class it's a new year let's start off with something big" Mrs.Lara says . "This weeks assignment is to write a poem about the day you realized your life had changed . Now it could either be the day you realized your life changed for the better, or for the worst ."

The day my life changed for the worst ...

"When you finish the assignment you will be presenting them" Mrs.Lara states .

Oh hell no! Not happening.

I love to write and read but presenting my thoughts is a definite no. "Whoever's poem is the most" Mrs.Lara stops for minute to think . "...most out of heart. Meaning you really put some thought into this poem you get an A for this whole semester."

Well shit.

No one can go wrong with a free A . I usually get all A's anyways but when it comes to a struggle at times I wouldn't mind a free pass on doing work.

My mom only always cares about my grades . I wish at moments she would just be proud of me for trying instead of pushing me to be the perfect daughter she always wanted me to be, even so I don't think I'll ever be enough.

For the rest of the period Mrs.Lara told us to start our project in class which is due Friday and we will presenting them Next Tuesday. Whoever doesn't show will get a 50% on this assignment.

I started to jot down the first things that came to mind :

10 years ago my life changed for the worst...

Before I could write anything else the bell rung. I turned to my left and noticed Ezra was in his seat . I mustn't have of noticed him.

When school was over I sent a text to Mrs.Miller saying that I didn't think I would be able to make it to the house today. I still have to go home and ask my mom if I can even go to the club with The Girls .

I see both my mom and her husbands car in the drive way . That's when I start to get really nervous .

My mom doesn't let me go out because she scared I might get kidnapped or some shit. I'm almost an adult and I don't even have privileges to tryout for any sports .

I walk inside the house . My heart it beating as fast as light right now.
I walk to my moms room. I open the door just a little, "Hey m- "

Did I just see that right. Well at least they made up.

I close the door fast before I say anything else. I walk up to my bedroom and pull a little smirk on my face .

Well that gives me a reason to go out tonight

I think back to what just saw a few seconds ago . My mother was on top of her husband ...


I shake my head to erase the memory. Yeah I know they are adults, but like do y'all care to lock the door like what the fuck . I text the girls to clarify I'm coming for sure.

I put my phone down on the bed and start to get ready . I put on my black velvet heels, grab my purse and head to the door .

When I'm near the door I make sure I close it quietly and walk to my car. I pick up the girls and we drive to Josies gig.

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