Chapter 15: Mine

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Doves POV:

"I wanna take you on a date."

I jump up from Ezra lap. "Like today" I say. I was cuddling in Ezra lap while we both watch the Christmas movie Home alone. We were both in matching pajamas which I forced him to put on. However, he took of his shirt, due to the reason of him saying red isn't his color. I just let it be because I rather see his 6 pack then a big reindeer on him.

"Yes today" Ezra replies. He rubs his hand in my hair kissing my forehead.

"Okay where are we going." I say. A small chuckles comes out of Ezra mouth. "Dove you already know how this works, I can't tell you that." I groan.

"Fine, I'll go get ready." I get up from Ezras lap, and go take a quick shower.

I put on a white dress and I slip on a pair of matching white high heel's also. "Dove are you ready?" Ezra yells. Footsteps approach the bedroom door, I look up to see Ezra in a fancy black tuxedo, his hair blowed out perfectly just the way I like it, and he's wearing the cologne I love on him.

I stand up off the bed, after pulling up the high heel, with theses my height almost matches to Ezras.

"You look gorgeous love." Ezra says he puts one of his hands on the back of my head curling it with the curls I straighten today. He puts his other hand around my waist pulling toward him and pressing his lips against mine. He takes no time to deepen the kiss, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

Ezra slides his hands from my waist to my butt giving it a small squeeze. A moan escapes from my mouth, Ezra then starts walking forward which moves me backwards to land on the bed.

"A quick in and out?" Ezra says, but seems to sound like a question. Ezra lays on top of me, our eyes making direct contact. We're supposed to be driving to the date Ezra had planned which I don't know what it is so I can't say if we're gonna be late or not.

I really do want him, but we only done fingers and going down on each other nothing more, I just want it to be at a good time and not a quick minute of slip in and slip out.

"Isn't that supposed to happen after the date." I kiss Ezra on the lips making it short and backing away. "I know, but you look amazing." Ezra reply's.

"Thanks babe. You look very handsome also." I say fixing Ezras collar. Ezra gives me a kiss again and lifts my body so I'm able to be on solid ground.

We walk out the room, but as we do I forget my sneakers, so after I don't have to wear heels in the car.

"Ezra can you go get my sneakers out your room."

Ezra nods his head and turns back into the room as I lean back against the wall and wait for him. Ezra comes back holding a pair of my black tennis shoes.

"Thank you." I reach out for the shoes in Ezra hand, but he pulls them back.

"Dove it's our room, you live here now, so get used to things being both of ours. Okay?" I try to hide my smile on my face, from all the butterflies in my stomach. "Okay." I say.

Ezra hands me my shoes and we're in the car on our way out.

It's has been about 1-2 hours in this car, and we're still not their, I've been on and off with my eyes trying to stay away and not ruin my makeup and hair.

"Ezra are we almost there?" I mumble loud enough for him to hear. The car turns a few corners, then comes to a stop.

"Yes we are here." Ezra states. I let out a big sigh of relief, I open the door and step out finally being to smell fresh air and let my legs stretch. The breeze brushes against my skin sending shivers down my spine. The doors shut on Ezra sides as he comes out near me.

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