Chapter 25: Henry

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Doves POV:

There's a knock at the door if the apartment, which is confusing because I don't think we were expecting any visitors. "Who's at the door?" Ezra ask while we're cuddled on the couch together.

Ezra gets up to walk toward the door, I stand up and watch from an afar. "Hey Chase, what are you doing here?"

I walk toward Ezra and the person that stands in the hall is Chase. "I'm here to study with DJ for my history test. I smack my hand against my forehead. "Shit!" I say under my breath. I totally forgot about that.

"You forgot, didn't you." I nod my head slowly in instant regret. "No worries I'll just come back another time dont sweat it." Chase says.

"No don't leave let me just go get my laptop and text books and we can begin studying, just wait." I blurted.

"What about me?" Ezra says standing there. "We were just watching a movie."

"You'll be fine, half the time you weren't even watching it, you were just staring at me, you creep." I put out. Ezra grunts, "Fine, your lucky I love you."

I gasp in exaggeration. " You love me?"
"And you didn't feel the the need to tell me." Ezra eyebrows raise in confusion. "Wow I see how it is." I walk away going to the room to get all the supplies.

From a distance I hear Ezra and Chase what seems like to be a heated conversation. They seem to be trying to whisper which they aren't very good at, but the words, "Make sure not to mention anything about the business please..." which it trails off to more words, but I really couldn't hear them from this far.

"Alright I got everything." I say walking back toward them. They end there conversation immediately and turn back to me. "We'll I'm gonna go skateboard with Zion until your finish." He kisses me on the cheek and gives Chase a bro hug.
He walks out the door with his skateboard in his hand as my gaze turns to Chase.

"You ready."

"Yeah." He says. His phones then chimes, distracting him. He looks at it quickly, then sends a quick text back. He sighs and puts his phone on the coffee table.

"Everything alright?" I ask preparing the notes.

"Yea, I can't stay for too long, I have to leave for something." Chase mumbles.

I nod my head,and we begin to study through the topics of history.
It takes, no longer that 45 minutes when Chases phone starts to blow up with messages.

"Shit." He whispers.
"I'm sorry DJ I really gotta go this time, my brothers back in town and we're supposed to be having a family dinner."

"I'm sorry Chase, you get going we can always study another time." I say. He gathers his stuff together and says goodbye on his way out.

It was just me now, in apartment full of silence. Ezra was out supposedly skateboarding, Pearl was on her first date with Milo, Josie was at another club. So it was just me.
I decide to take a nap until Ezra gets home.


It was dark outside when I woke up from the sound of glass falling. I must of over sleep, because when I looked over it was 11 o'clock at night.

I get up to walk to the kitchen seeing Ezra, with a bottle of liquor in his hand. He starts wobbling to grab another glass from the cabinet.
I quickly help him up and grab the cup for him.

"Ezra." I state wanting him to look at me, but he refuses. I turn his head to see his eyes puffed red, and a purple bruise.
"What the hell happened?" I ask with concerned.

He shakes his head away. I can tell he was very drunk, what I didn't understand was, he said he was going skateboarding with Zion, how did he end up drunk.

"Ezra, what the hell happened." I asked. He mumbled some words which I wasn't able to get a hold of. He reeked of alcohol, and when I tried grabbing his hand he slapped it away.

"What the fuck is your problem." I say.

He then turns to look at me, he swallowed the liquid down his throat, without a word, but the look in his eyes were painful, and I didn't know if was ready for the words about to come.

"Ezra what's-" without finishing my sentence his words came out in rage.

"My problem is you, I'm to fuckin in love to be in a relationship. I can't be with you, I'm just fucking it up with my own problems." He says.

"That's not true, we can get through this." I slowly walk closer to him.
"NO!" He slams his glass on the counter, making me flinch in fear. I back far away from him.

"I fucked up today Dove, we can't be together, I-."
He stopped there not knowing if he should go on, but nothing could get worse then this.

"You what?...You did what Ezra" I said in the most calmest voice I had at the moment. However In that moment, it went silent and I felt tears storming in.

"I kissed another girl."

That's when my heart completely shattered. I backed against the wall and looked at him in shocked. He put his head down immediately in shame.
I walk up to him and I slap him while tears rush down my face.

I walked away, grab some clothes, then my keys and I slammed the door on the way out.

I just didn't get it, the words I said at the skatepark was not to break my heart, but he did anyways. I loved him, I really thought for one moment in my life I could be happy with loving someone, yet I wasn't good enough for him to love me the same way.

What did I do wrong, was the question that stormed my head. What could I've done to be better? Maybe my mother was right, I'm not capable of love. I've been through so much and I don't think love can fix the damage.

It started to rain outside, I didn't know where I was going, it was almost midnight and I didn't wanna bother Pearl or Josie.
I was lost at the moment, I could go to Mrs.Millers, but I wouldn't wanna ruin her happy life with broken one like mine.

Something definitely up with Ezra because he would never say those words to me. Flashbacks from the time Ezra was crying and I didn't know why seems very familiar. I just don't get problem.

I drove until I saw a street parking lot, it was empty and there wasn't as many buildings or cars around. I wasn't has tired either because of the nap, but I was going to have to force myself to go to sleep.
I just hope tomorrows a better day.

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