Chapter 14: Tear grass

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Doves POV:

Two weeks later

Two weeks I've gone through the same thing. Wake up, go to school, eat, sleep, and take care of the extras.

I was released from the hospital about a week ago. I've been living with Ezra since then. I have nowhere else to go. He doesn't want me to pay him, so I try to help around the house as much as I can.

Despite the fact that my body has been feeling considerably better recently, Ezra treats me like a five-year-old. Every day, he checks my temperature and makes me tea, which I enjoy. I've been wanting more from Ezra since the in-counter at the hospital, but all he's given me is small pecks and not even a quick make out.

It's not like Ezra and I have a label for our relationship because none of us has acknowledged the labels boyfriend or girlfriend. However, we kiss, and that is the finest part, so labels don't matter as long as he is mine.

Ezra left a bit ago to take care of some unspecified business, so I've been bored at home. I'm also looking forward to Christmas break, which begins next week. Everyone in the group is staying at home for the holidays, and we're meant to get together, but we haven't made any serious plans yet.

I feel like I'm in a retirement home sitting in this bed. I'm going to get out the house for a while, I get up and put on a pair of leggings and a sweater, so that I can get to Mrs. Millers, I text Ezra to let him know I'm leaving the house; he'll be concerned, but that's fine.

When I arrive, I see that the house we're working on is practically finished when I open the door. The walls have been completely painted, the floor has been laid, and the main rooms have been well cleaned. Mrs. Miller has managed so much while I've been away for two weeks.

"Mrs. Miller," I exclaim. When I get to the back rooms, I'm surprised to see someone other than Mrs. Miller.

"Zion?" I have some second thoughts. When he turns around, I can see his entire face, including his blonde dreadlocks. "Dove?"

"How did you end up here?" I inquire of Zion.

"Mrs. Miller, I'm meant to help my mother. Do you know who she is?" The answer of Zion. He had to be the son Mrs. Miller always mentions. I give a slight nod. "I typically help your mother with the houses, but I've been MIA recently due to my hospitalization." I say.

"No, I completely understand; my mother has been under a lot of stress recently, which I assume is due to you. How are things going for you?" The state of Zion.

"Actually, I'm feeling a lot better." I give my response.

Zion smiles and nods. "Hey, have you talked to Ezra recently? I haven't seen him in a long time." Zion declares. That's odd because he claims to be at the skatepark or doing business the majority of the time.

"I've spoken with him, and I'll let him know to come over." I declare. "All right, I'm going to leave; tell Mrs. Miller that I came by." I continue.

"All right, Dove, I'll see you later." Zion and I say our goodbyes. I wasn't planning on leaving so early, but I'm already exhausted.

I blasted music on my home, pushing down all of my feelings for Ezra and bringing out my rage because he hasn't treated me like, me in days.

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