Chapter 1: Dead and cold

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Dove's POV :

I wake up from the sound of over 200 messages. I turn to look at my phone, and get up suddenly. Few text are from the group chat and others I can't even explain.

Pearl: ready to our first day of college
Josie: Hell yeah!
Mom: Wake the hell up, you have school again!
Unknown: 91% Of americans have no clue about this secret method to lose weight extremely fast that all the celebs use.
Moms husband: your mom is yelling get up!

The last text I ignore I thought I blocked it.
I shut my phone off and take a quick shower. I throw on a sweater and some jeans ,then I pin some front strips of my hair back .

Before I leave the house I text my mom and tell her I'm leaving or she'll yell at me later that I didn't, then text Pearl I'm ready and walk out the door with my stuff .

"Hey DJ." Pearl says when I open the passenger door . Shes wearing a yellow cardigan with a white shirt and jeans . "Hey Pearl, Josie says she ready". Pearl nods and starts backing out my drive way.

Most people call me DJ since my first and last initials are "D" and "J". My last name was taken after my dad. Which I never wished it was.

The majority of the ride is spent talking about our classes. Our third and fifth classes together are biology and AP calculus for me and Pearl.

When we pull up to Josie's house, she storms out wearing a black leather jacket, a black crop top, and ripped black pants.

The back door swings open, "HEY BITCHES" Josie exaggerates while getting in . "Josie we are going to school not a club" Pearl says. Josie rolls her eyes and I try to hide laugh by biting my tongue. "Oh shush Pearl, you look like your coming out of church. and speaking of club I got a gig to play tomorrow night you guys can come if you want ."

Damnit. I can try and come if I lie to my to my mom I'm going to an important event at school which is what I usually say, yet I use that excuse so much I don't think she'll believe it this time.

"I'll see if I can" I hesitate. "DJ your such a party pooper." Pearl looks at her phone. "I can come Josie " Pearl says looking back up at Josie "DJ you should really try and make it because everywhere we go you make it so much fun please come" Josie says .

"Ok, ok I will" I say. I haven't really told them what goes on around home . So they don't really know what's really going on, and I want to keep it that way. I don't want them worrying about me.

We arrive to the school parking lot and gather our stuff and walk the halls to our lockers . It kinda reminds me of Mean Girls when the plastics and Cady walk down the halls, but there's three of us and not four and no one falls inside a trash can... yet.

The girls and us part our ways to our classrooms . I look over my schedule again to see all my classes in order.

I head my way to French class and find my seat . My mom and dad are both speak French, but since my dad is no longer in the family picture and my mom has a husband who is fully American, she doesn't speak it very often. Now I have to teach myself and that's why I joined French class.

I finished my first three classes and basically what the teachers did was explain what they were teaching and what were doing bla blah bla...

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