Chapter 26: AWOL

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Ezras POV:

I never actually went skateboarding yesterday with Zion. He was out with his mom, helping her work.
I went to go do business an sell fake IDs since Josie had a gig.

Thats when I made a huge mistake. We were selling for like 5 hours straight, I got tired and decided to grab a drink. The seat next to me was empty until, Doves step-father was in it. I took a sip of my alcohol, as I got prepared for what was next to happen.
He said, "Stay away from Dove, or I'm gonna tell her about you trying to ruin her best friends career"
Now I knew there was no way, so I replied with "Not over my dead body." as he smirked and walked away.

After sitting there for awhile, I realize Dove will hate me when she finds out so, I thought about it and notice her stepfathers probably right. So I decided to drink the whole night, until all the pain I felt about hurting Dove was gone.

After that my memory was blurry, but I knew I fucked up when Dove wasn't sleeping in our bed when I woke up, or her car wasn't outside, and she wasn't answering any of my calls or text.
I know I said some really mean things last night, but I just can't remember.

I decide to call Josie then Pearl, but they don't know where she is either. We have classes tomorrow, so hopefully we she'll be at school, but I needed to go check with Mrs.Miller.

On the way there I couldn't stop think of what I'd done, I ruined my amazing relationship with my past becoming the death of me. I wasn't in the right mine, but as more of last night memories come storming back, I regret ever drinking in the first place.
The look in her face when I said I kissed another girl, lying and hurting her so she knows we would never be good together.

How could I be so dumb, she's already damaging herself to be better for the world, but instead of being there for her, I decided to ruin her mental health more.

I sigh in relief when I see Doves car in the drive way with 2 others. It was 3 hours after noon so, hopefully I'm not bothering any of them.

It takes 3 knocks until the door opens. What was unexpected was Zion to appear at the door. "You shouldn't be her man." He whispered.

"You live here?" I questioned.

"Yea, Mrs.Millers my mom, Grey you really can't be here." I've never met Zions mom before, I was always talking with his father, I never really connected the dots of the last names. Since Zion had a different last name than Mr.Miller

"I know Doves here Z, just let me talk to her." I begged. He shook his head
"I'm sorry Ezra, but right now is really not the time."

"Just tell me, is she doing okay." I asked.

Zion sighed. "I'd be lying if I said she was but" he moved a little to the side, so I could catch a glimpse, of my girl sitting on the couch.

She was crying, tissues were everywhere and Mrs. Miller was comforting her by rubbing her back.
It was like I was loosing her all over again, since the time of her in the hospital. However this time it wasn't her moms husband hurting her, it was me and I'm such a coward to ever do this to her.

I took a step in never taking my eyes off her until, Zion put his hand on my chest stopping me from going any further. Mrs.Miller and Doves eyes turned toward where I was, and Doves tears started to pour more than ever. She turned quickly looked away, and as she did my eyes started to water, from the damage I've done to her.

I such a wuss for going to cry, but when it came to Dove I never held my tears back.
"Give her time Ezra, go home and think about all the ways you can win her back." He said patting my shoulder.

I couldn't move, my body felt numb without her. "Call me bro, if you wanna get out and skate to clear you head. See ya Ezra." Zion said and stepped away to close the door.

I stood there frozen looking at their beautiful navy blue door. I combed my hand through my hair, grunting in frustration.

I get in my car and drive back to home that no longer has my girlfriend in it. My mother and Asher are supposed to be coming to visit me in 2 weeks so she can meet Dove.I didn't know what to do because I didn't want to let down my mom
by ruining a relationship like hers was ruined.

I needed to do what Zion said, and sleep on it to think of the ways I could get Dove back. The think was I couldn't sleep and the only way I knew to get her back was telling her the truth about the things I do. Even if it meant damaging our relationship more, she deserved the truth.

Fuck it! I texted the boys to meet me at the bar in 10, so I could tell them about telling Dove. It took them no longer than a second to reply since they are always up for underage drinking.

Once I arrived at the bar I saw Milo and Chase on the stools, so I sat in the seat between them.

"Um we both just got text from Josie and Pearl, what the hell did you fuck up." Milo says in serious concern.

"Why the fuck is DJ crying nonstop?" And that was the question. The question I didn't want to be the problem to.
I sighed and I waved the bartender over, asking for 3 shots of alcohol.

"I screwed up guys, Doves stepdad found me and said he would rat us out to Dove if I didn't stop talking to her. I didn't know what to do, so instead of solving my own problems, I took it out on Dove telling her I kissed another girl and we wouldn't work." I explained.

"What the fuck has gotten into you." Chase pushed my shoulders back. "How could you be so ungrateful to have a girl that loves you." He pushed my shoulders again.

"Calm down Chase, he hasn't finished." Milo says trying to break away Chase. Our drinks get set down at the same time, Chase rolls his eyes and swallow his drink whole.

"I wanna tell Dove the truth." I admit.

"If you tell DJ, we're sacrificing our friendships with Pearl and Josie too, and I really don't wanna loose my girl." Milo says.

"Well I don't wanna loose mine either." I say.

"Well it's not our fault you fucked up your relationship with DJ, but it's not fair to us that see have to ruin ours too." Chase explains.

"The truth is gonna come out either way, so it's either we tell them the truth, or they find out we've been lying to them this whole time."

"Fine, but I don't wanna be the one to tell them." Chase says.
"Me either, it's already bad Pearl gonna realize I'm breaking her friendship with Josie, and it would just be harder if I saw that look in her eye."Milo agrees.

"No! You both are gonna do this with me, we've been a team from the start, we've got this, we'll talk to them about it tomorrow after school."

"But-." I cut into Chase, "Tomorrow!" I slap a twenty dollar bill on the counter walking straight out the bar door.
I may seem like I know what I'm doing, but this is probably my worst idea yet.

Author's NOTE:

I feel the need to make the next chapters Ezras Pov so enjoy it while it last

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