Chapter 8: Beach

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Doves POV:

This morning I woke up in this same place I remember from yesterday, the stairs.

I started to stand from the stairs and my stomach started to growl. Remembering I didn't have any time to eat anything before I passed out last night.

I looked for my phone and it shows the time 12:03 pm.

Ah shit.

I only have 1 hour left until I have to meet with Pearl and Josie. I walk to the bathroom and do my deeds and put on my bathing suit and shorts .I slide on my sandals and text the girls I'm heading their way.

I try to stay as quiet as when walking out the door. Once I get in my car I drive to Dunkin Donuts and get a vanilla iced coffee and 2 wake up wraps. I take my morning pills as I pull out the drive and start driving to Pearls again since we're taking her car .

"The boys said they are driving to the beach now. You guys ready to go" Josie says looking from her phone back to us. "Yeah I am, let me just go grab my surf board" Pearl says walking out her room.

"Guess who we get to see. Ezra Grey with his shirt off, and sexy smokin' abs." Josie says nudging me in the shoulder .

"First, I've saw them before and they're not all that. Second, how do you even know his last name." I question. "He's usually a big talk at my gigs at clubs seems like he's always at every one I'm at" Josies responds.


I just nod my head. Still wondering a lot of things about the boys .

"We know you like him DJ no need to hide it" Josie teased. "Me? Who? Ew. I don't like Ezra." I stuttered.

"What are you guys talking about" Pearl walked in wearing a yellow floral bathing suit and shorts with her surf board going through her under arm holding it up .

"DJ likes Ezra, but she won't admit it" Josie gloated.

"Oh DJ has a crush, DJ has a crush" Pearl sung.

"I do not we're just friends!" I grunted . At this point I might as well throw them off a bridge, they'll have fun swimming and surfing right there.

"One day you'll admit it DJ." Pearl states "No I won't because I don't like him" I say .

We drove all the way to the beach with Pearls doors off, feeling our hair get into our faces, and blasting music like Classic by MKTO.

It took us about five minutes looking for the boys since they're already here.

"Hello ladies" Chase says looking us up and down not exactly looking at out faces yet. "Our eyes are up here Chase" Pearl says putting two fingers to her eyes and back at Chase. This is the second time.

"Hi princess, looking beautiful as ever" Chase compliments. "Why thank you Chase you look handsome, nice abs" I implied.

Chase is wearing basic swim trunks that are bright red. I see Milo and Ezra start making their way toward us. Milo is wearing dark green swim trunks. Ezra is wearing navy blue ones. His abs are showing a glance of light because of the sun. Joise was right about the smokin' hot abs I'll give her that. All the boys have abs, but Ezras are just, gorgeous.

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