Chapter 4: Don't Blame Me

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Doves POV:

All day Pearl was feeling bad about last night. She kept saying sorry and saying she'll do anything. I told her she was was okay like a hundred times but I just think it's going through one ear and out the other.

It was lunch time I didn't want to eat anything today I felt overweight and didn't feel like getting bigger so lunch was not on the menu for me.

As soon as we sat down we got to talk about how much money Josie made last night and trips we were planning. After like 2 minutes the boys came and sat down as well first Chase, then Milo, and Ezra.

"Well hello lady's" Chase says to us while sitting down. "Hi princess" Chase says looking at me and I roll my eyes and chuckle.
"Hi guys" another voice said . I turned to Milo and smiled
"Hi". I look to my right and see Ezra sitting next to me I smile at him.

" Hi Dove. are you doing okay?" Ezra whispers in my ear. I nod a turn my attention back to my left .

Chase was talking to Pearl and Josie saying he's getting all the girls in his classes. Which is a lie for sure.
"So Chase do you do anything out of school" I ask and everyone looks between me and Chase.

"Well I um..." Chase looks hesitant when speaking like he doesn't know if he should say it or not. " You don't have to say anything if you don't want" I give Chase a smile .

"Wait no it's fine. Um I'm a race car driver and I drive in races" .

Me and the girls gasp. "What the- THERES NO WAY YOU RACE" Pearl says really shocked.

Chase chuckles. "Alright Chase I see you. I guess I was wrong about you after all" Josie says.

"How about my next race I'll invite you guys it's in about a month or two" Chase said with excitement.

"YES! I've always wanted to go to a car race . I would love to come" Josie says with a big smile.

We continue to talk until the end of lunch. Ezra was quiet for the most part. I could feel his eyes on me from behind. I did notice a few glances between Pearl and Milo though.

Creative writing Class Mrs.Lara told us to continue to work on our projects and Ezra was quiet the whole time so nothing special happened.

After school I went to go continue working on the house with Mrs.Miller. Today we're working on a few rooms. "Hello Mrs.Miller" I said walking through the door. " Hello sugar" Mrs.Miller said back. My heart melted just by the sound of sugar.

"Comment va tu" I asked Mrs.Miller in French how is she.
"DJ you again with this French, I don't know what you're saying" we both laughed at her words. "I asked you how have you been" I said ending my laugh.

"Oh sweetheart, we'll I'm doing good we are almost done with the house which is good" Mrs.Miller said .

I smiled at her "Well I'll just go work on the bathroom." And I headed out the room Mrs.Miller was in and began to work.

It was 6 o'clock so I decided I was gonna get ready to leave. "Have a good night Mrs.Miller", " Don't put so much work on yourself" I winked at her.

"I know DJ, have a good night sweetheart." I say goodbye and exit out the door. A shiver runs down my back and I realise I don't have a jacket . I drive my way to the skate park to sit and write.

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