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I know i crossed your boundary
I shouldn't have looked
The one time i did since you'd left
I know you don't believe me
But i haven't been looking
Until that one day
I wanted to see how you said goodbye
So i could forget
Forget about her for good
Forget my worries of being cheated on
Forget that i'd been lied to
So that i could make you happy
By never breathing her name again
Because there was nothing
For me to worry about
But i couldn't
Because i was right
Yeah, i crossed your boundary
I shouldn't have looked
Yet at the same time
You crossed my boundary
A million times
Every single day
Every time she flirted
Every time she hugged you
Every time you hugged her
Every time she winked at you
Every time you went to her hotel room
Every time she asked if you
Wanted to watch her do yoga "😉"
Every time you talked about cooking
And she invited herself over
To eat your leftovers as her dinner
In my fucking place
Every time you had time
To share a slice of your "energy pizza"
For her to enjoy a bite of
And you never stopped her
You let it happen
You knew i was right
About what her intentions were
And yet every time
You told me i was wrong
You hid it all from me
You never let me see
You were so defensive
Trying to convince me
That she didn't want anything
That she wasn't pursuing you
That i was being crazy
That i was overdramatic
That i was turning into a "stalker"
But i was right
The whole time
And you still made the choice
To hide and lie
And tell me I'm wrong but now you fixate
On the one time
I crossed your boundary
The one time i looked at your phone
And refuse to accept
That crossing my boundary
A million times a day
For months
Is much worse
Than me crossing yours
Yes i crossed your boundary
I know i shouldn't have looked
But i will not apologize
For finding the truth
Behind your ugly lies
I am not sorry


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