What's wrong with me?

3 1 0

I'm losing my god damn mind.
Why am i still asking
For the same fucking things?
I've lost count of all the times
I had to beg for your respect.
Why won't you just tell me?

She never should have been able
To reach you in the first place.
Wouldn't you be upset if it was my ex?
I saw the texts you sent.
Why does she need a warning
Before you block her?

You didn't even want to,
Told her you guess you have to.
How am i supposed to feel?
It was a conversation short and sweet.
Told her you're hoping to see her again in the future.
But these are all things you won't share, right?

Why else do you delete her texts?
Why else do you keep hiding?
Why the fuck do i keep trusting you?


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