Its a-

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"I'm pregnant."
"I'm pregnant." Twilght said tears falling down her eyes.
"Twilight, r u crying?" Flash asked with concern.
"No- ... Maybe... Yes."
"Why do you think? Cause now your going to divorce me or find some type of way to get rid of me cause your not ready to raise a child yet. All Men do that. They marry them to offend them."
"What!? Twilght, in all honesty, I'm shocked. But I want to raise a child with you. You are my wife, and I will respect you and OUR child. I'm excited. I finally get to be a father. With the person I love. I would never do that to u."
"Yes. And I'm sure that child in that stomach of yours is going to be just as beautiful as you."
"Oh, Flash."
"So I'm guessing your going to be having your period more often?"
"Yea most like- wait... FLASH!"
"I'm just kidding 😂😂😂 so do u know the gender?"
"No I don't. And I want to be surprised."

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