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It's been almost 6 months since Twilight has left CHS. She was walking out of her new school and to her car when she notices a black sport's car with lightening bolts on it and a shield on the hood. "It couldn't be." She thought for a bit moment. "I'm dreaming." She thought choosing to ignore the car when something frightens her.
"Equestria misses you." Came a voice form a tree.
She looked up and saw a blue haired boy in a tuxedo. Now she really thought she was crazy.
"No. I'm dreaming." She said. "I'm dreaming. I'm just dream-"
"Your not dreaming so stop saying that." The boy jumped down from the tree, and stood infront of her. " CHS needs their Twilight back. They're uneducated without the nerd that united us all." He said.
She giggled. "Who are you?" she said smiling, clutching her books in her hands.
"Who am I? More importantly, who are you?! I mean, really! You've gotten a lot taller, you still have that pretty, skinny posture you've always had, your hair is beautiful length, and your makeup is,.. Wow."
Her eyes widened.
"Are you.... Flash Sentry?"
"Indeed I am." He said with a proud look.
"Flash, What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to get the love of my life back."
"Well, look at you. You look a lot handsomer then the last time I saw you. Awww! and your hair is more spiky." She said wrapping it with her hands. He pulled her closer to him.
"So what do you say? Come back to Equestria, Twilight. For us. For me."
She sighed clutching her hair with one of her hands turning the opposite of him "Flash..."
"Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to say goodbye yet."
"I'm not, trust me. But I can't just leave this dream of mine. It's Prom in two days. Will you be my date to the senior prom?"
She sighed. "Flash, I told you- ...." She thought about it some more then made a decision. "Yes."
"Yes!" She said. He pulled her closed to her and they kissed multiple times. "And I'm not coming back here. I'm staying at CHS for good." She said walking to the car with Flash.

The next day it was about lunch time in Equestria, and all the students in the cafeteria were eating but didn't seem as happy. Twilight came in the cafeteria and sat down with The girls at lunch setting her lunchkit down. "Hi guys." She said acting normal. "What's up? Sorry I'm late. I got out of class late. I was taking to a teacher about one of my grades." But she knew that was a lie, and so did Flash. She was surprising them. The girls all sat there jaw opened and wide eyed. Finally they all shouted, "Twilight!!!!" They all got up fro. The the table and went around the side Twilight was on and hugged her. Flash just smiled. They all sat back down, "I'm just glad to have my Twilight back." He said kissing her on the lips. All the girls cooed' at this. Even Rainbow Dash.

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