I.... Don't?

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"We are gatherd here today to celebrate the marriage of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry. May I have the rings please?" Says the priest.
"Flash was surprised when he saw that the alter server wasn't his sister as she Carry the rings in a silver dish to the priest.
"MHHHHMMM! MHM MYMM MHM MHM MHM MHM MHM!" Is all that was heard in the dark basement of the church. There was a girl named Sour Sweets guarding Twilght as she sit in a chair, trying to squirm her way out of the rope that was tied of her and the duck tape. Twilght was finally able to get out of the chair and take the duct tape out of her mouth she stood up in her wedding dress with mascara running down her eyes and eyeliner smeared all over her face. "You will never get away with this!" Said Twilight hiding in a corner. Sour Sweets looked behind her seeing Twilight got out of the chair. "Huh!?" She said looking around the room as she was still looking for Twilight when-
She gets kicked in the head by Twilight "almost too easy.'
"Hiiiya!" Sour sweets come back for her trying to punch her. Twilght Ducks and kicks her I the stomach and sour stays on the floor.
"HEEELP!! SOMEBODY HEMP ME!!" Said a voice I the corner.
"JORDYN!" Twilght rushes to the sound and unties her.
"O my gosh are you okay?" She says hugging Jordyn.
"Yea I'm okay. I'm sorry that you won't get to marry, Flash."
Twilight starts to cry. "I- ..I just knew since the day I stepped hoof- er- foot into this world and I bumped into your brother and our eyes met, that he was the one. So we talked through a magic book I used to communicate with sunset and after that all happened in Equestria, I cam here, dated your brother and we were supposed to live 'Happily Ever After' like every princess. But - but that did- didn't happen. 😭"
Twilght cried for a while with Jordyn right by her side. Twilght was so tired she fell fast asleep on the floor.
"Twilght-" said Jordyn. "Great, now it's up to me. I can't let my sister in law down! No way!"
"Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Silence. Twilght smiles. "Its almost tiiiiiiiiime..." She thought.
"You may kis-"
"STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" Says a voice as she burst through the doors
Of the church. Everyone stopped and looked, gasping.
"JORDYN!!?" Flash says.
"That's enough all of you!" Says Twilght taking out a gun. "U all better shut the hell up if you know what's good for u? Especially you my Prince Charming." She says turning and pointing the gun at Flash. Flash kicks her In the stomach and the gun flys into K
Jordyn's hands. She throws it away and gestures for flash to follow her into the basement. He gets there and sees twilight full of blood from the fight from earlier. He knelt down next to her crying. He now holds her in his arms and lays her head on his lap.
"Twilight..... Wake up... It's all over..."
Spike walks into the room and there is complete silence.
"Twilight... This is not funny. I'm serious wake up!"
The rest of the family of the princes and her friends walk into the basement.
"PRINCESS TWILIGHT IM AM FUCKING SRIOUS WANE THE HELL UP!!" He said in anger. He decides to check her pulse restraining a little.
"No. No. No no no no no no no no."
"Flash?" Sunset says with a worried expression as a tear falls down her eye.
"She-... Sh-... She's not breathing.....- she- Sh- shhhh- Sh- SHES--- ............... Dead."

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