Getting a Taste of Your Own Medicine

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So It was Friday after school and Twilight decided to be in Canterlot High's Drama Club. She was practicing for the play with her boy main who was playing her love interest in the play.

Twilight/Pam: "Thanks for helping me with the costumes, Tink. I really appreciate it." She recited to Sorain on stage.
Soarin/ Tinkerman : "oh, it's no problem. that's what friends are for. " he replied/recited back. "So uh, Prom is only a week away, and I was going to ask you to Go with me but the only problem is..., I don't know how to dance."
Pam/twi: "well we can fix that can't we?"
Tink: "we can?"
Pam: "yeah. Just follow my lead."
Then at this part they break out into a song. They dance around the stage waltzing together. But little did Twilight know, Flash was there after school helping the teachers to get service hours for Beta Club. Mrs. Cheerlie had asked him to help move some chairs into the auditorium for the show so he did as told. He opened the door to the auditorium with his back since it had a push arm on it and brought them into the room. But when he walked in he couldn't believe what he saw. Twilight and his best friend dancing together! "How could she! And she wants to talk about me?! I can't believe her!" He thought to himself. He didn't know that Twilight was in the play so he was pretty pissed. "I'll talk to her after practice." He thought to himself and before she could notice anything Flash quickly left the auditorium.
------------4:45 P.M.----------
"Great Job everyone!" Principal Celestia stated. "Keep going over your lines! Opening night is next Thursday! Dismissed."
Everyone poured out of the cafeteria and into the carpool line waiting to get picked up. Twilight was the last one out. She was reading a book called "Famous Last Words" by, Katie Alender when someone Suprised her.
"Twilight!" Yelled Flash with an angry tone of voice.
"Huh?" She said looking up from her book. "Oh, hey Flash!" She then looked at him. "Woah, what's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me?!!" He stated.
"You and Soarin it's what's wrong with me!"
"Oh don't act all innocent, Twilight. I'm not an idiot. I saw the whole thing!"
"Flash. Were you spying on me?"
"No! I came in to put up some chairs Mrs. Cheerlie had asked me to put in here for the show, and then I saw you and Soarin, my best friend of all times, dancing together and looking as happy as can be with each other!"
"Flash! It's not what it looks like! I swear! Just listen to me-"
"Listen to you!? Twilight. "
"Ok. So what maybe I was dancing with your BFF of all times!-"
"So what!? I-"
"But it's not wrong to dance with your boyfriend's BFF WHEN YOUR ACTING!!!!"
"How was that acting!?"
"Flash! I'm in the play! I'm playing Pam! And he's playing Tinkerman! It's a comedy, love interest, kind of musical! I can't help I got the main character and love interest!"
"Why didn't you just tell me you were in the play!? And that you were dancing with Soarin!?"
"Because I was afraid THIS would happen!" She then heard a honk from a car. She looked to see who it was and turns out it was her brother. "Look, I gotta go. We can continue this later."
She then runs off into Shining's car and leaves. Flash watches her leave then gets into his own car and drives home. "This day couldn't get any worse." He thought. ....... He was wrong.
It was raining and the road was wet. Then a girl in a white car, not watching where she was going , turned infront of him and before he could do anything....
The cars collided. They spun around on the road atleast three or four times before they landed. The white car landed in the ditch and Flash's car landed about 5 feet away from being in the ditch. Luckily another girl, who was a witness, saw the whole thing. She dialed "911" and asked for an ambulance. About 5 minutes later police cars and 2 ambulances showed up.
"Are they okay?" The girl/ witness asked. But when she saw who it was that was being carried out of the black sport's car, was put on a nursing bed with wheels, and was brought into the ambulance, she couldn't believe her eyes.
She called a person she knew that was a... "Friend" of his.
"Twilight? Hey. You don't want to know what I just saw."

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