I Do

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Today was the day. I'm Finally getting married to the love of my life! And it's also Twily's Birthday! She's turning 21!

All the girls come to my house to get ready for the wedding. After all the girls have their hair done it was time for pictures. I took one with all my bridesmaids, my soon to be sister in law, my dog Lexi, she's a yorki, my father - in - law, he's walking me down the isle, my mother and law, then both, then Auntie Celestia, and aunt Luna, then both of them together.

Soon it was time to head to the church every one got in the limo they had a separate limo just for me, Twilight, her mom , dad, and Flash. I would have Shining but that would spoil the good luck. When we arrive at the church we all get in our places for the wedding I'm behind the doors of course along with Mr. NightLight. They open the doors and Interwind my arm with his locking them. I start to cry as I see all of my fily and friends giving me a thumbs up as I walk down the isle. I can see Spike and Mocha walking infront of me carrying the rings and waiting at the alter along with Flash and Twilight and the rest of the wedding party. Finally we come to a a stop.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the Marriage of Mi Amore Cadensa-"
"Cadence is fine."
He smiles.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Cadence and Shining armor."
We turn to face eachother. He smiles at me and mouth's "I love you," to me and I blush as we hold hands.
"Do you, Shining Armor, take Cadence to be your lawful wedded wife, through hardships and happiness, for as long as you live?"
"I do."
And do you, Cadence, take Shining Armor to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to hold, and cherish forever?"
"I do."
"May I have the rings please?"
Flash and twilight pick Spike and Mocha up and they take the priest takes the rings.
"You may now put the rings onto each other's finger." As he says that we slide them onto each other.
"You may Kiss the bride."
He pulls me close.
"I love you" he says.
"I love you too."
We kiss and the congregation cheers. We process out and head for the reception, Which is in Canterlot.

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