New Rules

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It was Tuesday evening at Caterlot Hihh and 2 days before the play. They were on the Last scene of Act 1. The first line starts off with Fluttershy. Here is the set up for this scene:
"This scene takes place in the auditorium, Two weeks later. The Dry- Erase Board now reads, 'Days Till Opening Night-- 8.' The flagpole mast and a wooden plank are set for rehearsal. The LOST GIRLS lounge to one side, TORI is playing a game on her cell phone. The rest of the PETER PAN CAST is scattered around. WRENCH crosses with a ladder. She's over- amped on caffeine." Principal Celestia reads out of the script. "Luna curtains." Luna opens the curtains. "Annd... ACTION!"
Zoe/ Fluttershy: Hi Wrench.
Wrench/ Rarity: Hi. I'm working on the set and then I'll do some more props. I almost took a nap earlier so I had an energy drink so that wouldn't happen again. I never had one before. They're pretty good, but I don't know if they'll work, but at least I'm not asleep now and the set will get done. I just have to find my hammer and you look a little tired. (EXITS.)
Zoe: I look tired? (Bursts into tears.)
Carry/ AJ: (Approches Adagio with a script.) I did another rewrite last night.
Tori/ Adagio: and this matters to me how?
Carry: thought you could read it.
Tori: I'm in the middle of a game
Carry: Please?
Tori: I hate reading
Nonie: Last Book I read was that one where that girl did that one thing.
Simone: even the vampires were lame
Nonie: ikr?
Carry: You were right okay? About the changes. And well, um I could use your help. (Adagio sticks out her hand for the pages.) thanks.
Tori: whatever. (Takes the script and reads.)
Minda/ Trixie: Sixteen lines. Do I still only have 16 lines?
James: only amateurs count their lines.
Minda: oh you did not just think I'm an amateur.
Britta/Sonata: wait. She knows what he's thinking? She can read minds?
Ingrid/ Aria: Britta. She was being combative.
Ingrid: I took Karate for 6 weeks.
Candy: you mean 6 days.
James: its not the lines it's what you do with them. If you're playing a tree, you be the tree. (TOTTALY becomes a tree.) a tree can't talk but it can feel the sun, the leaves, the wind, how does a tree feel? Time passing, pollution, young lovers carving their name in my sensitive bark. Ow! Oh the pain, the humiliation.....
Minda: wow, you're really good.
James: I played Sherwood Forest once, I mean the ACTUAL forest.
Thud: (to MINDA.) what are you doing with this dweeb?
Minda: he's not a dweeb. He's a tree. (They drift away and WILLOW and JOHN take CENTER. TORY'S still reading the script and scribbling on it.)


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