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Flash's Pov:
On my way to class, I bump into a girl. "I am so sorry!" I say. "Here let me help.." I bend down to help pick her books up.
"I- i- it's alright, I got it. But thanks anyway." She says. I freeze Then look up at her.
Twilight?" I say looking at her. She is wearing black glasses, her hair in a bun a blue blouse like Rarity's and dark purple skinny jeans with 2 inch heels.
"Wow. You look- different..."
"Um.. Thanks? No different than what I wear every day. Um.. Do I- KNOW- you?"
"Oh Twilight stop playing around." I grab her in my arms smiling at her.
"I'mmmm not playing around." She says pulling away from me.
"Maybe this will make u stop fooling around." I say as I kiss her. She closes her eyes and kisses back. We stay like that until-
"Flash!!!?" I hear a voice yell. I break the kiss and push Twilight away and look to see who it was.
"Twilight!?" I say confused. I then look at Twilight I just kissed, .... Oh shit.
"Why would u kiss-....." She looks at the person I just kissed. "Me???" She says.
The other Twilight narrows her eyes and walks up to pony Twi. She smirks and does a slight laugh. "Mph. So your the pony princess that's saved 'Equestria' multiple times. Oh, I've heard a lot about you."
Pony T: "is that so?" She asks with a curious tone of voice.
Human T: "oh it is." She said still smirking with her arms folded. "And now that I've met you and your ugly looking fiancé,-"
"Heeeeeey!" I say a little offended.
Human T: "-I say you better watch out," she pricks a piece of hair out of Pony Twi's scalp.
Pony T: "Ow!"
Human T: "cause I'm coming for Ya. Toodles!" She pushes twilight to the ground and walks away. I help her up Then hold her in my arms close to my chest.
"Woa, you okay?" I say.
She nods. "Yea but we definitely need to keep a close eye on her. She could cause a lot of trouble. And I mean She- Demon trouble."

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