Groomsmen, Bridesmaids, Best Mans', and Maid of Honors'

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Once we got back home I congratulated Cadence and Skyped all my friends.
"Hi guys!" I say.
"Ok so you know how we went to Mike Anderson's????"
"Yea." They all say.
"Well Shining Armor proposed to Cadence! Which means she's going to be my sister!"
"OMGEEEE!!!!" they were all so happy for her.
"Which also means..... Principal Celestia and vice principal Luna are going to be my aunts....."
"....." They all say.
"Yea, ik. It's just weired I guess idk."
Well wait doesn't that make your brother a prince? And Cadence a Princess? Since your a princess?" Sunset says.
"You know what sunset I think your right."
"Well gotta go ttyl." I say and hang up.
I go down stairs and the doorbell rings.
I go to open it and it was...... My friends???? And boyfriend? With his friends?????? HUH????
"Um... Hi? But how- you were all just-"
"Oh , darling, please. Cadence and your brother invited us over." she says as I one by one hug each of them and kiss and hug Flash.
"Awwwww. Your waring your tiara! You look so cute." Flash says planting a slight kiss on my cheek. I roll my eyes.
"Shut up. 😏" I say smiling and giggling. Flash is doing a lot better. It's been a month since the accident and he can drive again and everything. *sigh* I love him so much.
Cadence and Shining come down stairs with bags in their hands that could possibly be gifts for something. Idk I'm not positive.
We all continued to talk until Shining armor and cadence made an announcement. She takes her wine glass, raises it up, and hits it with a spoon lightly.
"Listen up everyone! I want to thank you all for coming to our engagement party. Shining Armor and I have something for you all. Don't open them until we say it's ok." She passes the pink bags out to the girls and Shining Armor passes out the blue bags to the boys.
"On the count of three you can all open them. 1.... 2..... 3!"
We all dig into our bags and find a card. We all open it. For the girls it said: "the love of my life popped the question. Now it's my turn. (Name) will you be my....
Look In bag for answer."
The girls all look in their bags and find a cup with a pink dress on one side with their names on it. They turn it around to the other side and it has a pink dress on it with the word "Bridedmaid" on it.
Except mine was different. Mine had a pink dress with my name on one side and on the other side a pink dress with the words "Maid of Honor". I was so happy I was about to cry.
Flash's Pov:
For the boys they had a card that read:
"I asked the question and she answered. Now we are living happily ever after. But there is one more question I must ask to all of you. Will you do the honors of being my....
Look in bag for answer."
I looked In the bag and found a t-shirt that said:
"Best Man.
Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza
I was shocked. I can't believe That Twily's brother wanted ME to be his best man!
Twilight's Pov:
"Congratulations guys!! No I'm going to tell you who you'll be walking with." Cadence says.
"Rarity will be walking with Trent (trenderhoof),
Applejack, you will be walking with Braeburn,
Pinkie Pie is walking with Party Favor,
Fluttershy with Discord,
Rainbow with Sorain,
And Sunset with Tyler."
We all clap at our participation in the wedding.
"Now, Twilight. You are the Maid of Honor you will be walking alone until you get to the middle of the isle. Once your in the middle of the isle, the Best Man, which is Flash, will be on the left side waiting for you to get to the center. Once you do he's going to walk up to you put his arm out for you to take and you walk to the alter to your positions."
The girls all give me that "ooooh" look like they always do. I just role my eyes.
She continues.
"There will be 4 jr. Bridesmaids but I don't know if all of them will be walking with someone.
The Jr. Brides Maids are Jordyn, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. I do know that Applebloom WILL be walking with first Base, Jordyn will be walking with Brandon, and Sweetie belle will be walking with Button Mash. Now, Scootaloo I'm not positive yet. Il try and find you someone but I'm not positive. Now I have a special addition to the wedding. The ring bearers will not be people."
Everyone looked confused about this.
"They will be dogs. The ring bearers will be Spike and Mocha." Everyone "awed" at that. "They will each have a small pillow that they will hold with a ring on it."
Then Shining Armor spoke.
"Now, Dalton, my 5 year old cousin, he will have a sign that he will be holding saying "look out cousin Shining your bride is coming!" And he will walk out right before Cadence walks out." Everyone clapped and had a great time for the rest of the night.

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