A normal day

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It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. Everyone was strolling around the park and the streets enjoying the lukewarm air. Flash and Twilight were in there new home watching TV and taking care of bills and stuff. It was a beautiful 2 story home they were living in with a pool that had a water slide and a diving board. "Flash, you can't just sit around on the couch watching TV all day, why don't we go swimming or something?"
"Ok. Why don't we have a summer party? It'd be a great way to meet up with our friends."
The next day:
----------------------------------------Twilight woke up feeling ill and looked at flash who was still fast asleep. 8:30 A.M. The clock read. Twilight got up to go to the bathroom and started throwing up. She finally felt better and as she started to get up she got right back down and started throwing up again. "Twilight, you okay?" Flash said knocking on the door.
"-_-. Does it sound like I'm okay?"
"Just asking. I can't worry about my beautiful wife?"
"Oh shut up! *throws up* I'm fine I'll just go to the doctor it's probably just a virus."
She changes out of Her pajamas and into some skinny jeans with a blue shirt that buttons all the way down. She puts her hair in a ponytail and drives off.
When she gets to the doctor he tells her she's most likely pregnant.
"What!? Uuuuuugh!"
She drives to the hospital and takes a pregnancy test. The results?
"Please don't be positive. Please don't be positive...😓"
"Shit." She calls Flash and tells him what's wrong.
"I'm pregnant."

True Love Led Us Hereحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن