Way back wednesday

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"Good Morning students!" P. Celestia says into the microphone. "As U all know tonight is the homecoming dance. Which means, boys, if you're planning to ask a girl to the dance, today is your last chance."
As Celestia was speaking Twilight and the girls were in the bleachers talking.
"So, Twilight, has Flash asked U to the dance yet?",Rarity Asked.
"Not yet but I'm Hoping soon"
"Now we have a special band that would like to perform. Give it up, for "Fall out BoyS"
Cheers and screams are heard from the crowd as Flash and his Band walk to Center Stage.
"Uh... Hi everybody. As U all know my name is Flash, and these are my friends. We won't be performing any random song today. This song .. Is special. I wrote this song for Somebody I love very deeply. This song is called 'Girl Almighty'.Twilight, this is for you." Flash starts playing his guitar along with the rest of his band playing their instruments.
Twilight couldn't help but cry. She was so touched that her boyfriend wrote a song just for her. She already knew the song but it was her favorite so he wanted to play it for her.

When the song was over And the screaming and cheering died down Flash spoke. "Twilight can u come up on stage please?"
Twilight was a little shocked and confused at the same time. she didn't want to. And she wasn't. But then the students stated cheering her name.
'Twilight! Twilight! Twilight! Twilight! Twilight! Twilight!"

"Oh come on twilight please????", Rarity said.
"Ugh. Fine!" She walks down the bleachers and on stage blushing while hearing the crowd cheer for her braveness.
"Twilight there's something I've been meaning to ask you, and I think now is the best time to do it."
Twilight blushed 3 different shades of Pink.
"Twilight, will you be my date to the Homecoming Dance?"
Twilight started to cry she was so happy.
"OMG! Yes!" He hugs her and she hugs back then share a kiss on the lips, which the crowd goes wild at.
"I love you, Twilight."
"Love you too."
They exchange one more hug, then turn to the crowd clasping their hands together and raising them up in unity for everyone to see.
This was one of the Best days of Twilights life. A moment she will cherish forever.
Principal Celestia comes back on stage. "Dismissed!" She says into the microphone, everyone piling out of the bleachers.

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