You Cant Stray From NEW RULES part 3

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Rainbow/Rook: (blows into whistle.) no no no. I'm sorry, there will be no flying. No flying at all.
Pam: what? Peter Pan has to fly! We can fly.
Wrench: we can fly.
Pam: We can fly
Rook: out of the question. No, as an educator I am responsible for your well being. Someone could get hurt.
Wrench: hmm. Okay well i gurss we can figure something out.
Pam: for now we're walking. Let's take it from hooks line...
Rook:Hook? Oh, no, no, no, that's a weapon.
Pam: so?
Rook:we can't have a weapon. It's against school rules. You'll have to work with something less dangerous.
Pam: like what?
Cameron/smiley: how about a spatula?
Carry: a spatula?
Smiley: I've always liked spatulas myself. If just something about them.
Tori: you've got to be kidding me. He can't carry a spatula. I mean, it's stupid. THis whole thing is stupid.
Barry: she's right. He can't be captain spatula. No pirate is going to follow a guy with utensils.
Rook: take it or leave it.
Lefty: leave it man.
Pam: No you guys! Thud is for Neverland, remember? Please? Well make it work I promise.
Wrench: so hook- I mean- spatula attacks Peter on the ship set-
Rook: oh no, I'm sorry.
Wrench: Now what?!
Rook: did you say set?
Wrench: duh. It's a play! You know! Scenery made out of woods, and nails, and screws, and stuff.
Rook: we can't have students around objects made by Amateurs with nails and screws. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
Tink: Coach, what are you doing?
Rook: nothing. It's just that without a drama teacher, someone has to oversee your safety, and I've volunteered for that job.
Pam: volunteered?
Rook: yes. Out of the goodness of my heart, it seems you are not aware of the rules you have to obey.
Pam: rules?
Rook: Yes. New rules.

How to listen to this song:
1. Go on Safari and type in "The Music Peter Panic"
2. Click on the 2nd link. It will bring you to a website called Google.sites or
3. Scroll down the list of songs until you get to #6. New Rules
4. Click on "download" on #6. New Rules and you will start listening to it automatically.

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