Episode 46 "The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond" Part 2

Start from the beginning

I was with Temp, Booth and Hodgins as he finally got the fly to hatch which led us to a garden shop as Booth asks us, "So what do we think here, huh?" Temp asks Hodgins and I, "Yeah, what do you think?" I smile as Hodgins says, "Oh, yes, this is definitely an environment conducive to the white fly." I nod as Hodgins and I fist bump while looking around the place as Booth whistles as I say, "We should start taking some samples." Hodgins and I split from Temp and Booth as a man comes out asking, "Can I help you?" Booth speaks, "Yeah. FBI. Special Agent Seeley Booth. We have a warrant here to search the premises." The man asks, "Is this about Jared Addison's murder?" "Yeah." I was looking around as I hear Booth then say, "No, no, Bones, don't touch that. There's tons of disgusting stuff and chemicals..." The man says, "Not here. Our fertilizer's 100% organic. My own blend." "Uh! There you go. Now you're gonna get sick, your stomach's gonna go upside down, it's gonna be a mess." I then hear Temp say, "Coffee." "Coffee?" "Sea kelp and coffee grounds. Jared Addison was here shortly before he died." "Jared was my mom's boyfriend. Heavy emphasis on the 'boy."

Booth then asks, "Yeah, well, we heard this place kind of freaked him out." "All the germs, yeah. But he was here. I don't know if it was the dirt that made him squirm or the question, but the kid toughed it out." I then ask from a certain area, "What question?!" "He wanted my permission to marry Mom." Booth asks, "And what was your answer?" "I told him I thought it would be creepy to have a stepfather who was ten years younger than me. I told him he should forget about it and try to be normal." Temp asks, "You told him no?" "I said no, he could not have my blessing. He's lucky I didn't conk him on the head and chop him up for fertilizer. But I didn't." I come over to them at the same time as Hodgins as he says, "White flies. I'll do some lab work, but they look to be the exact strain that I hatched at the lab." I stopped noticing the flies right by the garden tools as Booth asks, "I'm sorry, did you just say you did conk him on the head?" "I said I didn't."

I decided to call over Temp and Booth, "Ranger. Temp." "Yeah?" "Flies on the shovel." Booth nods, "Oh. We know that flies are attracted to manure and blood." I nod taking out my kit, "The flies are mostly on this shovel. It follows that there's something different about this one. Will the warrant let me test the shovel?" "Well, yeah, it's out in the open, so it's fine." I nod smiling, "I'm going to use phenolphthalein. It'll tell us if there's blood present on the shovel." I grab the q-tip swabbing the shovel as I place it inside the tube of chemical as the q-tip turns pink as the guy asks, "What's pink mean?" Hodgins answers, "It means you caved in Jared Addison's skull." I nod adding, "And/or removed his head." Booth then says, "I'm going to have to ask you to close up shop and take you downtown. We have a few questions we'd like to ask you." I then ask, "Could you drop you drop Hodgins and I off on the way back?" Hodgins nods agreeing as Booth nods, "All right."

I am walking around the lab as Angie comes over to me, "All right, I already talked about this with Sweets, but I need a second opinion." I nod, "All right. What is it?" "Wendell?" "What about Wendell?" "He might be nuts." "Why?" "He thinks Brennan hit on him." I was confused, "Did you not hear our conversation?" "No, I left him with you since it seemed he wanted to talk to you more." I nod, "I see, okay. Why do you think he thinks that then?" "Well, remember when he said that she asked if he was interested in having sex with an older woman. Which is impossible." I nod, "I see, so you left us after he said that?" "Yeah. But I am certain she didn't say that." I chuckle, " No, I really do think she'd say that Angie." "No, no. I've we've known Brennan for years and there's no way. You should especially know since you are her sister."" I nod, "Your right. But our murder victim was 28 years younger than his girlfriend and Temp was most likely looking for insights in her usually way." She nods, "Yeah, your probably right." I nod, "You know, we should let him know that you misjudged him and we could put this all behind each other." "Well, remember when Wendell also said that he owes a lot of people a lot of money and that he really needs this job. Like the mob or something." I chuckle, "I really don't think so Angie. Like I said, you probably misjudged him and interpret it wrong. I could think of other ways someone owes someone money without it being related to something bad. But if you would like I could accompany you and we could talk to him about it." She nods, "Yeah... that would make me feel better." I nod smiling wrapping my arm around hers, "Well, let's go look for him then." She nods as we walk.

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