Part 29

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Jae-In pov

"So, how is it?"

I look at Niki who asked me out of sudden when they were send me to my house.

"About what?"

I asked him.

"About, you will living with us, did you agree with it?"

He asked me. Then, I look forward. I didn't think about it before although we have so much free time before the last class.

"Well, I haven' think about it yet."

Then, I heard they sighed. I stop and turn to them.

"You should think now, Jae-In."

I sighed after heard what Sunoo said.

"Later... I need to ask my stepmom first before..."

I said... Yeah. I still have mom okey although not real mom. So, I need her permission.

"Then, let's go!"

Suddenly jay pulled my hand and walk.


He didn't even give me some time to talk.


"What? You will going to stay with them?"

My stepmom asked as she look at the boys who were sitting on the couch right now.

"Yes,aunty. She will be staying with us. Can she?"

Sunghoon asked her with his big smile. After that, my stepmom expression change... How can-?

"Sure. Why not? Jae-In, pack your things. Today you will stay at their home."

I look at her with my big eyes. What the-?

"Thank you, eomma!"

Jay stand up from his seat and bowed to my stepmom. She smile then she turned at me before pushed me into my room. Gosh! What happen right now?!!!!


"We're here!"

I look around the house with my big doe eyes and my jaws fall after seeing it.


I said with my surprise expression.

"You should close your mouth before there have big flies coming inside your mouth."

I give Sunghoon's glare after he smile and walk away. Seriously, what's wrong with him?

"Let's go, noona! I will show you your room!"

He said as he pulled me with him.

"Yah! How about my luggage?!"

I scream at him.

"Just let Jay hyung pick it up."

Niki said while laughing before running with me inside that big house.


Time skip

I walk inside the kitchen after get to change into my pajama.. Well, they already guide me around this house before I changed. I see Jay was... Cooking? Maybe...

"Hey, Jay!"

I greet him. He jump little before turn to me.

"Owh. Jae-In. You scare me!"

He said. I laughed after heard that. Then, I sit on the chair that was at the tap.

"Are you hungry?"

He asked. I was about to shook my head but my flat stomach said otherwise. I smile sheepishly after that. He smile then shook his head.

"What do you want?"

He asked.

"anything that you can do for me."

I said. He give me a salute sign before doing his works. I'm looking around the kitchen. After that, looking out of the window. It's already dark. Suddenly, the kitchen started to blackout. I didn't scream. But, I heard Jay scream.


He was screaming in pain.

"Jay? Are you okey?"

I check off my phone but I just remember that I leave it in the room. How could I?

"Ahh.. Y-yeah."

He hissed in pain. I quickly stand up from my seat and walk towards him although it's dark. Well, I still can see the kitchen.

"You burn your hand, don't you?"

I asked him. I saw him nodded. I turn off the gas.

"Jae-In! Jay hyung! Are you guys alright?"

We both turn to the kitchen frame and we saw Sunoo at there.

"Yeah. We're fine. But, Jay just got burn by that hot of pan.."

I said.

"Oh no. Wash your hand hyung!"

He said. I pulled Jay hand and he follow me to where the sink was. I help him wash his burn hand.


He hissed again. I just shook my head. After that, I go to the cabinet and take the first aid inside that. Well, theu already told me where is the first aid in the touring this house just now.


I give him an oil then put it on the burn before put the plaster on it.

"Thank you, Jae-In."

He said. We both make an eyecontacted. We've been like that for a minute then someone clear their throat.

"Hello, I'm still at here."

Sunoo said with disgusted face. We both chuckled after that.

"Becareful next time."

I said before going back to the chair.

"Agh...this is your fault."

I rolled my eyes after Jay said that. Sunoo walk towards me and sit beside me.


He called me. I turn to him.


I asked him confusely because I saw his face expression cold right now. Suddenly, he lean in his face to me makes me move back with wide eyes.

"W-what are you doing?"

I asked when he stopped lean in. He look at me with his cold gaze.

"Do you like Jay hyung?"

He sudden question. What? I look at Jay. He look at me confusely too. What the-? I look at him back but suddenly I feel something soft on my lips...


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