Part 25

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Jae-In pov

Now we're in the shopping mall. Wonyoung and Hannah unnie, Jungwon's noona walking infront of me and Jungwon while we're walking behind them. Walking side by side, of course. I was shaking right now a little because it's cold inside the mall right now. And I use this short sleeve t-shirt. If I know that we're going here, I will bring my-

"You shouldn't wear short sleeve t-shirt if you can't hold the cold."

Jungwon said while looking away. He just give me his jacket and put it around my shoulder. My heart beating faster because I can smell his scent on this jacket. How can this guy can be so smell nice?

"Ahh... You shouldn't ha-"

I was about to give him back the jacket when he suddenly stopped and wear me the jacket forcefully but softly.

"Just wear it."

He said before walk away leaving me dumbfounded. I put my hand on my chest. How can this heart beating so faster when he do that? Yah! Yang Jungwon, how you make my heart fluttered, dude?!

I chase him after fighting with my own thoughts. Haish... Today will gonna be a long day. Ehek.


"Jae-In! Come here!"

Hannah unnie called me when we were inside the clothes store. Yeah. She wants to search dress. I walk towards her. Then, she show me the beautiful dress.

"Isn't this dress beautiful?"

She asked me with smiling while admiring the dress. I smiled.

"Yeah. It's beautiful. It's really suit with you."

I said sincerely. But she shook her head.

"This is not for me. This is for you."

She said before give me the dress while I'm looking at her with wide eyes.

"For me?"

I asked her confusely. She nodded and smile.

"You should try it, Jae-In. You might look beautiful in that dress."

Wonyoung said while pushing me to the fitting room.

"But, I don't really like wearing a dress."

I said honestly. Yeah. I never wearing a dress before because I'm more comfortable wearing t-shirt and longs pants.

"Ahhhh.. Just try it! It's my treat!"

Hannah unnie groaned. I sighed. Then, Wonyoung again, pushing me into the fitting room. I sighed before lock the room.

"Tell me if you done!"

Wonyoung said.


I answer her with low voice. I look at the dress that on my hands. It's beautiful. But, I don't know if this dress suit with me. Or looks pretty on me...


Author pov

It's already been 10 minutes Jae-In inside the room. But, she still not coming out from the room yet.

"Yaish! Where is this girl?"

Wonyoung started annoy because her bestfriend still not coming out. She look at Jungwon who was looking at his phone. Maybe chat other members. Then,turn to Hannah who also just like her, waiting for Jae-In come out. Wonyoung lost her patience so she walk towards the fitting room door and knock it.

"Yah! Kim Jae-In! Are you done?"

She asked from outside.

"Hmmm... I don't think this dress suit with me..."

She can heard Jae-In said.

"Ahhh.. Just come out already. So, me, Jungwon and Hannah unnie can judge it if you're suit or not with that dress."

Wonyoung said. She look at Jungwon.

"Why me?"

He groaned. She shrugged her shoulder before look at Hannah that show her thumbs. Wonyoung smile.

"Just come out already."

She said for the second time. She can heard Jae-In sighed from inside.


She said before the door unlocked. She slowly open the door revealed her with the dress. She feel uncomfortable with the dress. Many eyes land over her after that.

"Oh my gard! You look so pretty, babe!"

Wonyoung said while checking the dress also her bestfriend. She telling the truth. Jae-In look so beautiful in that dress. Jae-In smile awkwardly before look at Jungwon who was looking at her too.

He was stunned to speak by her beauty. He can't denied that she really beautiful inside that dress.

"Ommo! You should buy this dress! It's really suit with you!"

Hannah said while admiring the girl who standing awkwardly infront of them. Jungwon just can't stop admiring her beauty. Jae-In notice it. Her heart beating faster out of sudden.

"Umm... Okey then... I should change now."

She was about to walk to the fitting room back because she feel so uncomfortable because there have many eyes looking at her.

"You look so beautiful."

She heard that. She turn to Jungwon. He is the one who said that. He still admiring her. Jae-In smile awkwardly.

"Thanks, I guess?"

She said while look away shyly.

"Ommo. Someone is blushing right now!"

Wonyoung started to tease her.

"What the-! Naur~!"

She said while scratching her nape.


"Thanks for sending me to home, unnie, Jungwon."

Jae-In bowed to Hannah and Jungwon who were inside the car. Jungwon's car. Well, Jungwon already get his driver licence. So yeah.

"Ahhh.. No probs. I'm so happy that we're hanging out together today."

Hannah said makes Jae-In smiled.

"Hahaha. Me too, unnie. Thanks again!"

She said bowed for the second time.
She was about to walk inside her gate house when suddenly, Jungwon call her name.


She turned with one eyebrow lifted.


He said before close the car window and drove the car away leaving Jae-In dumbfounded.

"Did he just said goodnite to me? Doesn't he avoid me before? But, why today..."

She just shook her head while thinking about that. Yeah. It's weird for her. He just ignore abd avoid her before but suddenly become normal just now. What the-HAPPEN?

Jae-In shook her head again before walk inside the gate and go to her house.

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