Part 12

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3 days later...

Author pov

It's already 3 days the last time when they talk to each other. Jae-In really sad because Wonyoung doesn't wants to talk with her although she really wants to explain it to her. But, looks like Wonyoung doesn't let her to explain it. She really messed it up. Now, around a few days later, she will be the last weeks at here. She just hope that she can talk with Wonyoung normally for the last time before she moved to the Busan.

When she walk through the hallway while her head hang low, she stopped as she heard Wonyoung's voice infront of her. She look up and saw Wonyoung was laughing with other girls right now. It's really hurt to see her laughing with other person instead of her. She decide to confront her. She stop infront of the girls as they look at her weirdly.

"Hey, Jae-In! How are you?"

Other girl asked her. Jae-In just look at Wonyoung while Wonyoung do the same.

"Wonyoung, we need to talk."

Jae-In said coldly. Wonyoung rolled her eyes.

"Why should we? There have nothing to talk now."

She said coldly too. The girls who with them feel awkward.

"I think, we're should go first now. We met you at the rooftop, Wonyoung~ah!"

The girls were about to walk away when Wonyoung stop them.

"No need to. We should go now."

She look at Jae-In up and down.

"There have nothing to talk with the girl who will leaving her bestfriend after this."

She said before leaving Jae-In with her new friends. After what she said, it's really hurting Jae-In's heart. Why did she deserve this thing? As she can feel the tears started forming in her eyes, she quickly wipe it. She doesn't want to show how weak she was.


Someone calling her from behind. She turn around just to see Sunoo who already spread his arms while smiling brightly. Without waiting her time, she quickly walk towards him and round her arms on his waist while Sunoo arms around her small figure.

"It's okey. You can let it out."

He said as he patted her head. Jae-In just snuggle on his chest. She really need this warm hugged right now.


"Why you didn't told us?"

Sunoo asked while they were at the park after school. Yeah. They already promise that she will tell the story to the Sunoo after that. Jae-In sighed before she lick her ice cream.

"I just... Don't know..."

She said as she lick her ice cream again and again. Sunoo watching her. He feel bad for her. He really wants to help her but looks like he can't help it because this is problems between Jae-In and Jang Wonyoung.

"So, when are you going to move to the Busan?"

He asked after she finished her ice cream. Jae-In take a deep breath.

"Next week."

Sunoo look at her.

"So we just have 4 more days to spend time with you."

She nodded and sighed after that. Sunoo feel sad after heard that. He just hope that she will never leave them. But, she can't because of her situation.

"It's okey, Jae-In ~ah... I think she might be understand after this why you moved."

He said and patted her back. She turn to him.

"How about you guys?"

She asked worriedly. Sunoo smile forcefully.

"Don't worry about us. We will be okey."

He said. Although, he is hurting by his words. But, he have too since he need to comfort her. Jae-In smile weakly after that.

"I hope so."

She said before look down on her laps after that. She sighed. Sunoo look at her with his sad eyes. You just have to promise that you will come back at here after that. That's what he thought right now. Yeah. He hope that she will comeback after a few years at there then meet with them. So they can be like right now.


Next week...

The boys already know about Jae-In's move. And she now not at here. It's kind sad but they already promise to each other, that she will come back after a few years at there and meet them. So they can continued their life like before.

"How dare she leave me?!"

Wonyoung got really mad and she keep on kick the chair where Jae-In use to sit before. She got frustrated because of that.

"You should understand her, Wonyoungnie."

Sunghoon suddenly spoke behind her. She rolled her eyes.

"Why she didn't tell me either about why she have to move?"

She asked.

"Because you never give her chance to talk with you. Whenever she wants to talk with you, you will be the one who push her away."

Jungwon interrupt after that while his hands on his pockets. He now sitting on the chair that Wonyoung kick just now. Wonyoung sighed. He's right. She keep pushed her away whenever she wants to talk with her. It's her fault.

"don't think about it too much, Wonyoung. She laready promise, after 3/4 years, she will come back and meet us after that."

Sunoo said to comfort her.

"Are you sure about that?"

She asked. He nodded. She sighed after that. She just need to wait for her bestfriend to come back for her. But, it's for 3/4 years. Yeah. She just really hope that she can meet her long time bestfriend again so she can apologise to her also take a forgiveness from her. That's what she wants. Yeah. It's because of her fault right.


Well hello Jaeny's again!!! It's me, the author! It's already many parts right? Well, I don't know. My ideas suddenly explode while writting this story ehekkk... Welll.... Today is my birthday. Hahaha... But, I'm not that kind of the busy person who will only celebrate my birthday without telling my readers right? Maybe... Hehehe.... Welll, thanks for a lot of you that still support my ff. I really appreciate it..

If you guys have any ideas for the stories or ffs, just tell me. Don't be shy. I won't eat you😂. Hehehe... Sometimes i will lost my ideas too. Sooo yeahhh.. Okey thats all from me now... Happy birthday tooo meeeee🤣<3love you all<3

Classmate // Enhypen ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon