Part 10

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After that, she feel warm right now. Yes. Jungwon just pulled her into a warm hug right now. Ehek. She can heard his heart beat. It's beating faster just like she do.

"Why are you so stubborn, Jae-In~ah? I'm just want you to say sorry to other members since all members are sad right now. But, you keep pushing me away. You're really stubborn."

He said as he hug more tightly makes Jae-In can't breath.

"J-Jungwon, I-i c-an't breath..."

She said while hitting his chest softly.

"This is your punishment because you keep ignoring us. Okey."

He said while loosen the hug after that but still hugging Jae-In. She doesn't know what to do. She wants to push him but she already feel comfortable inside that warm hug. Also he way too strong for her to push him. So she just give up and just let him hug her for a couple of minutes.

After a few minutes, he finally released her from the hug. Jae-In almost fall down because she was too sleepy while in his hugs.

"Is my hug so comfortable that makes you feel sleepy?"

Jungwon asked while chuckled. And Jae-In just nodded and rubbed her eyes since it's kinda heavy because of the sleepyness. Jungwon chuckled again and patted her head.

"Let's go home now. It's late already. Maybe you can say sorry to other members tomorrow."

Jae-In sighed.


She finally give up. Jungwon smile after that.

"Good girl!"

He patted her head again earn a glare from her. He chuckled because he found it cute. Yeah. Cuteness.

"Let's go now."

He said as he put his arm around her shoulder and they walk out from the rooftop together after that.


The next day

As she promise with Jungwon yesterday, she decide she will apologise them. Before she walk inside the classroom, she take a deep breath and walk inside the classroom. There have stares at her and she know it's 7 boys. She sighed. She go to her seat and put her bag on it before go to where the Enhypen were. She already saw Jungwon who was smiling right now at her.

"Jae-In? Are you okey?"

Jake asked her weirdly. Jae-In sighed.

"Guys, I want to apologise."

They all look at each other after that.

"About what?"

Sunoo asked her.

"For ignoring you guys."

She answered while looking down on her feet. She didn't dare to look at their face. Yeah. She doesn't have confident to look their face.

"Ahhh... It's okey. We understand it."

Jae-In look up. Heeseung say that. He was smiling. She look down on her feet again. She can feel the tears started forming on her eyes. She don't deserve that forgiveness. She think that she really don't deserve the forgiveness.

"I really messed it up."

She said. Her tears started fall down. The boys got shocked after see that.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Jake walk closer to her and patted her back softly.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness."

She said while sobbing the boys looking at each other. They look back at Jae-In.

"Ahhh.. It's okey, noona. It's not your fault at all."

Niki said while smiling. But, she shook her head.

"I really sorry... I don't think I really deserve the apologise."

She said. The boys sighed. They all standing and stand infront of her.

"You deserve it, Jae-In ah. You deserve it... Okey?"

Jay said as he grab her shoulder. But, she keep shook her head.

"Yah! You deserve it okey?!"

Sunghoon got annoyed because of that makes Jae-In sobbed more after that. The boys glare at him. He smile sheepishly.

"Aigoo! My Jae-In."

Sunoo pulled her into a warm hug. The boys just watch it. Yeah. Of course with jealousy.

"You do nothing... You now just emotional. So, you keep saying no although that you really deserve it."

Sunoo said to comfort her. She just crying on his hug. They sighed.


Time skip

"You're okey now?"

Sunoo asked her as they having a lunch right now. They watching Jae-In who was eating her lunch.

"Ahhhh... Don't worry too much about me. Now eat your lunch or I will finished it."

She said as she trying to take their lunch but they slap her hands. Jae-In pouted but continued eating her lunch. The boys just shook head and smile after that. Yeah. Although, she change a little bit, they still love her.

As they eating their food, someone knocked their table make them all look at where is that come from. One girl standing beside their table.

"Jae-In, the principal wants to meet you."

She said before leaving them dumbfounded. They looking at each other.

"Why that principal wants to meet Jae-In?"

Sunoo asked as he munch his food. They all shrugged their shoulder. Jae-In sighed. She doesn't know why the principal wants to meet her either. Jungwon who saw that patted her shoulder since she sit beside him.

"It's gonna be okey."

He said. Jae-In just nodded and continued eat. After this, she should going to principal room.


Jae-In knoced the principal room door.

"Come in."

She take a deep breath before open the door and walk in slowly. As she walk inside, her eyes open widely when she saw someone familiar in there.


She mumbled under her breath. What is he doing at here? Her dad smirked after he see his daughter...

Classmate // Enhypen ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن