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You are the love that I've been waiting, this heart has been depressed for a long time but now you're here, you are the love given to me


Gakushū's head was tilted down, eyes blank, emotionless. The paramedics insisted they'd be taken to the hospital for further check ups. Too tired to argue, the family just agreed. Gakushū was more insistent they check on his mother

They rode in the back of the ambulance. Karma allowed Gakushū to rest on his lap

Nanami was quietly staring into nothing. The girl, Yuki, was anxiously fiddling with her hands.

Masami was laid on a stretcher, she had breathed in a fair amount of smoke, so they gave her a breathing mask to regulate her breathing. For some reason, Karma was glaring at the unconscious woman on the bed, there was a dark, displeased feeling in his heart that this woman didn't die in that fire.

Karma was quick to shake this out of his head though.

"You're wearing that muffler of yours.... huh, didn't even notice the whole time" Gakushū mumbled.

Karma's attention snapped to Gakushū, who he thought was asleep the entire time.

Wordlessly he grabbed Gakushū's hand and pressed his lips against it. Gakushū rolled his eyes, smirking teasingly at Karma.

"The fire.... what happened to have caused a fire?" Karma asked.

Nanami's lighter violet eyes shifted to him warily, then to her brother. "Will he tell him?" She thought. "Because if he does... Then that proves how much he trusts this boy, proves the special bond between them but, there are consequences too"

"Long story" Gakushū sighs. "We've got time" Karma insisted. Then, he reaches for the muffler around his neck. "Sit up for a second Shū" he instructs.

Gakushū sits up, and faces Karma. The red head places a hand on his neck and tugs him forward just a bit. Smiling softly, he adjusts the red fabric around Gakushū's neck, "Looks good" he said. "Better than it did on me"

"Arigatōgozaimasu..Karma" he thanked, obviously pleased. It was like he was wrapped in a big warm hug. He felt cozy, warm, relaxed. He imagined that from now on as long as he's wearing this red muffler it will be like he's being warmly embraced by Karma.

The thought makes him blush, so he's thankful the muffler hid half of his face.

"I fixed it by the way" Karma continued. "Knitted it back together, now it looks as good as new"

Felt new too. And the smell... Gakushū breathed in the smell of the fabric. Smells like something sweet and spicy mixed together, smells like.. Karma..

Nanami watched this exchange rather fondly. "My my... Dearest little brother found someone special" she thought adoringly.

When they arrived at the hospital, their mother was taken away from them to do testing. Nanami and Yuki were checked up on too.

Gakushū didn't have anything on him really. He was just filthy, covered in ashes, so Karma took him to the comfort room to wash up a bit. They wetted some tissues and Gakushū allowed Karma to wipe his face. Karma really likes taking care of him, that much Gakushū knew.

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