73| Almost Over

856 49 154

Don't you know I'm dangerous? Fire burning in my blood I got this handled, I don't need rescuing



Karma hums as he stitched the tattered red fabric in his hand. The night--well, early morning--was quiet, peaceful even. But the boy had felt restless the entire night, he couldn't sleep. He was tossing and turning the entire evening, until it reached the early morning. Karma didn't understand why, but he felt like something would happen.

He couldn't pinpoint if it will be good or bad

But the feeling remained.

To calm himself, he reached for the box hidden in his closet, and pulled out his mother's old scarf. On a whim he wrapped it around his neck, inhaled her lingering perfume that somehow stayed for years. And then looked at his reflection in the mirror.

The fabric was falling apart. In fact it looked like a rag. But he loved it, cherished it. So he got on his knees, reached under his bed, and pulled out a sewing kit.

"Imagine if my friends found out I sew" he thought. "Nope, never gonna happen, this is my little secret" he'll never allow his friends to learn that he knows how to sew, they might tease him about it, embarrass him.

So here he is

Sewing his red scarf back to it's original form. Before it got reduced to it's pathetic raggedy state.

"Despite looking like a rag though... Gakushū liked it enough to take it" he remembered.

His lips twitched to a smile. He remembered Gakushū's shameful look when he returned his property. Not to mention the way he held the scarf in a delicate and careful manner.

Maybe he should gift it to Gakushū?

His mother gave it to him so he would always have a piece of her, and he cherished it more than anything. Would... would Gakushū care for the scarf the same way Karma did? If he were to give it to him?

"Since when was I a sentimental sap?" Karma thought, cheeks heating up.


Karma's attention was turned to his charging phone. It lit up and rang to notify him it was fully charged.

He put down the scarf and went over to it.

He received a message an hour ago. From his boyfriend.

The message was short, but it was enough to have his heart pumping.

Gakushū: If anything happens, I love you

Without thinking twice he grabbed his phone, snatched up his red scarf, and bolted out of his room.

"Gakushū don't do anything stupid don't do anything stupid don't do anything stupid.. Is he going to kill himself again?! What's he going to do--no no no no no calm down Akabane! Calm down he won't--" his thoughts became jumbled and noisy in his brain, his emotions were a hurricane.

He typed a quick text message to Korosensei. Surely that superhuman teacher of his could help! He can move faster than the fucking speed of light, travel across countries and come back in mere seconds.

Me: Help. Go 2 Asano residence. I think something will happen or had happened over there. Think Gakushū's in trouble.

Karma hit send and continued to run.

Maybe he's over reacting? Maybe nothing's wrong, maybe-

There was an explosion up ahead

Followed by screams, and the sound of crackling fire. Karma's golden eyes widened fearfully, and he rushed over to the direction of where Gakushū's home should be.

Instead he saw the mansion in flames, burning down to the ground


Minutes before the explosion

Gakuho had managed to crawl onto the bed, and laid there, hands clutching the wooden stake impaled in his stomach. His mouth open, breathing in the toxic air.

He couldn't help but laugh.

That laughter turned into fits of coughing, blood escaped his lips and trailed down his jaw.

"Can't say I didn't see this coming" he thought with dark humor. He expected this a long long time ago. But not from his son, frankly... He always thought the boy would hide behind his sister or mother while they did the job for him. Hell, maybe even kill himself to escape his father's clutches. But in the end.... His son and daughter took him down together

And for the first time he felt proud of them.

For the first time after the death of Ikeda and the death of his former, naive weak self... He felt at peace, strangely enough.

The man closed his eyes and awaited his death.

He didn't have to wait long

The mansion exploded, the rooms that the gas reached ignited into flames and pretty soon it reached the room he was in. It scarily resembled hell and Asano Gakuho accepted his punishment, his judgement.

He felt his the pain, the scorching hot flame, burning his skin. He just laid there as he slowly but surely burned to death.

The last thing he saw was an old picture hanging on the wall. The picture consisted of a smiling, healthy looking Masami, holding a baby Gakushū in her arms, and a genuinely happy Nanami by her side. In the far background was him, looking at the camera in surprise.

Seconds later the picture burned too

(Author: I hope his death was satisfying to you)

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