40| Frustrations, revelations, a promise

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But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down

Gakushū yawned tiredly as he leaned against the railing of the bridge, waiting for Karma to arrive. He knows he is being stupid, it's 4 in the morning who would even still be awake at this point except unfortunate adults working the graveyard shift?

He looked down at the water below, remembering the day he tried to end everything, remembering the day he just wanted to end his pain, to cease his pitiful existence. His mother and father are young enough to have another child, they can easily replace him, start fresh.

Gakushū frowned. Those thoughts belong to the old Asano Gakushū, the mindless, hollow, empty Gakushū with no reason to wake up in the morning, no reason to move forward.

This Gakushū does.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" he heard someone scream. Before he could process who's voice it was, he was tackled to the ground, a heavy body pressed against him.

"The hell?!" Gakushū groaned from the impact.

Shaking hands cradled his face, and he was forced to look up at Akabane Karma's pale, tired face. Gakushū's eyes widened with worry when he noticed the prominent dark lines under Karma's eyes.

"What the hell?! Don't you dare do that again idiot! Ya here me?! I won't let you! I'll never let you!" Karma yelled, angry and....afraid?

Gakushū felt his heart twist, he reached his hand to cup Karma's cheek, but then halted when he realized the red head has tears gathering in the corner of his eyes. He frowned. "Uhh ..Karma, I wasn't going to jump"

Karma froze. He continued to look down at the boy pinned beneath him. "Uhh ..what?"

"I wasn't gonna jump" Gakushū confirmed.

Karma sucked in a breath, and covered his face with his hands. "Fuuuck......you!" Karma growled and hit Gakushū's chest, before resting his head against it, hugging the strawberry blonde tightly.

Gakushū blushed, embarrassed. They no doubt looked idiotic lying on the dirty ground hugging but it wasn't like anyone was gonna see, there was no one there.

Gakushū sighed, and placed an arm around Karma's waist.

"You fucking scared me" Karma revealed, his voice muffled by Gakushū's chest.

"Oh, was the big bad Akabane worried for me?" Gakushū teased.

Karma mumbled an incoherent "yes, asshole"

Gakushū sighs. "it's not fun to tease you anymore when you respond so calmly"

They laid there for a few more seconds before Gakushū patted Karma's back saying "Alright get off, the floor is dirty and you're fucking heavy, off off off!"

Karma chuckled, wiping away his leftover tears from earlier and got off.

He held out his hand for Gakushū, who gladly took it, and pulled him up.

"So, if you weren't gonna jump-" Karma still eyed him suspiciously. "Then what did you call me here for?"

Gakushū shrugged, and leaned against the railing of the bridge. "I just..." His brows furrowed when he remembered what happened at that damned warehouse. "Needed some company" he smirked at the red head. "Specifically yours"

Karma rolled his eyes, thinking the strawberry blonde got that from a movie or something.

He leaned against the railing, mirroring Gakushū. "What's this really about?" His eyes lowered to Gakushū's wrists, still covered by bandages. When was the last time he saw Gakushū without them? It feels so long.

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