66| The Decision Part 1

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No God has ever answered my words
But it don’t matter, I still got hope and that’s all I could really ask for
I gotta shake the fear so I can keep on running forward


"Do the thing you fear to do and keep doing it, that is the quickest way discovered to conquer fear" Ren once told him when they were twelve.

"Is that how you got over your fear of heights?" He asked doubtfully.

"I'm still managing, it's getting easier looking down from high places now" Ren replied with a sure smile. "You should try it! Gakushū, what are you most afraid of?"

How is he supposed to get rid of his fear of his  father even? Or just get rid of him from his life?

Nanami ran away. But she didn't conquer her fear of him, what she did was pure cowardice though understandably she was pushed to the near brink.

His mother choses to turn a blind eye from her husband's darkness. If she can't see him for who he really is, then she won't be hurt, or scared.

Him? He tried to end his life by drowning himself. Thank God Karma saved him

Now here he is, lying beside Karma, his....what is he even? They're not friends anymore, they've wordlessly established a much closer, more intimate bond now. Bit they haven't exactly put a label on it just yet

Gakushū doesn't think they need a label. It seems pointless to voice it out, seeing as they are both aware they like each other. That was good enough for him. Turn to his side, he pulls Karma much closer, inhaling his natural scent and hopefully engraving it in his memory.

He'll have to leave in an hour. Return home and pretend he never left. But he doesn't want to

He just wants to be here, with him, and forget all his fears and worries. Forget the abuse, the pain, and punishments. He just wants to be here with Karma in his arms.

Then his eyes shifts to the half open closet and the bright red fabric half buried inside.

Against his better judgement, he carefully removes Karma's arms around him and slowly got off the bed. Creeping closer and closer to the closet, he knelt down when he got near enough.

He pulls out the red fabric and wraps it around his neck. He felt warmth, felt a sort of happiness, he felt calm. These were feelings he usually associates when he's with Karma or sometimes even when he's with their(yes, their, he now acknowledges Karma's friends as his friends too now) friends

The red fabric is tattered, and close to coming apart with just a tug of one of it's strings.

He remembers the anger Karma showed when he found out Gakushū took it. This thing must really mean a lot to him

Curiousity over took him and he dug inside more, finding a black box. Taking it out he removes the lid and it reveals a handful of pictures from Karma's childhood, mostly of him and his mother

There was a broken yo yo, a camera, and a dried, definitely wilting, bouquet of roses.

He returned his attention to the boy in the bed, then back at the contents in the box. Picking up a picture, he flipped it and saw there was a written message behind

My precious ruby, you are my treasure. I know we don't spend as much time together as we wish, but know that despite our distance mommy will love you forever even if I can't show this. My ruby, mommy loves you and never doubt this

He felt the corners of his lips tug upwards, feeling very touched by the message that wasn't even aimed at him.


His head whipped to the door and sees Natsuki standing there. "When did you get here?" She asked in a low voice so as to not wake Karma. Gakushū just smiled sheepishly "Um...well.." he stammers, blushing as if he was a little boy caught doing something he wasn't supposed to.

Natsuki smiles fondly at him, melting away his embarrassment and worry.

Her eyes then lands on the red scarf around his neck. She recognizes it instantly as her old scarf from years ago, the one she gives to Karma as a sort of 'piece of her' so he would always have her whenever they part.

"He's kept it all this time, but why is Gakushū-kun wearing it? Did Karma give it to him?" She asks herself.

Gakushū removes the scarf and returns all the objects back inside the box before pushing said box back inside the closet.

They both turned their heads to Karma who stirred in his sleep.

Natsuki beckoned Gakushū to come to her. "I'll make tea, and we can chat in the kitchen" she said.

Gakushū nodded, before following after her.

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