4| His misery

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When Gakushū woke up, the first thing he did was panic. Not because he was in an unfamiliar environment but because he saw the digital clock on the bedside table and it had 9:00am flashing in red.

Shit! He overslept! What was his schedule for today? Was there a quiz? Did he study hard enough? What about his homeworks? Did he do them last night? And his phone! Where was his phone? It was always on his bedside table just within his reach!

"Ahem" someone cleared their throat.

Gakushū turned his head to the door and saw a boy with red hair, and bright golden eyes standing there carrying a tray of food. "Akabane? Wait, what the hell are you doing in my room?!"

"This isn't your room" Karma corrected, approaching him and setting down the tray.

Gakushū looked around, and realized that he was indeed not in his own room. How did he end up here? What happened yesterday? He looked down, and finally realized that his torso and abdomen was covered in bandages. He raised his bandaged arms.

He felt his neck, those were bandaged too.

Fear crept from the dark corners of his mind. If Akabane removed his old bandages and replaces them with new ones, then he must have seen his scars. Still, he had to ask, he needed to be sure. What's the harm anyway?

"Akabane" the red head looked at him with cold eyes, making Gakushū wince. "Did...did you remove them?"

"I had to" Karma answered, sitting on the bed, facing Gakushū. "Then" the strawberry blonde hesitated. "Did you see them? My scars"

"Did you do them to yourself?" Karma sounded angry. He couldn't believe it, Asano Gakushū, the ace, the school idol, he couldn't believe someone as unshakeable as Asano would throw his life away. "You have everything going for you, why would you throw it all away?" He thought.

When Gakushū didn't answer, Karma barked "Asano!" He stood up, towering over the other boy. "Did you do them to yourself?!"

"You already know the answer Akabane" Gakushū scoffed.

"Why?" Karma still refused to believe the strawberry blonde. Gakushū was strong, he has an iron will by his side, he's composed and collected. "Why?" He repeated.

Gakushū returned his look of confusion and anger with a blank one. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's the relief I feel whenever I feel the sharp edge of the blade cut my skin, watching the red liquid slide down, it gives me a rush Akabane, a thrill" Gakushū started.

"And then when the pleasure turns to pain, it reminds me that I'm still human, that I'm not my father. The pain is what keeps me from becoming a cold monster. But I have to admit, sometimes I go too far" He gave a cold laugh that sent shivers down Karma's spine.

The red head went to Gakushū's bag, and took out the plastic with the pills. "How many times to you take these?" He took out the sleeping pills.

"Once a week, maybe a month. It depends on how difficult it is for me to sleep" the strawberry blonde answered automatically.

Karma then showed the stay awake pills. "And these?"

"Those are just to help myself!" Gakushū suddenly sounded defensive. "Sometimes I get zero sleep at all, so to not pass out in the middle of the hall, classroom, or street. I take them to keep my brain from shutting down, but..."

"But?" Karma stared at the bottle in his hand.

"But recently they stopped working. I built a resistance to the pills so I started to double my usual dosage. It worked, there were times where I didn't even need to sleep for three straight days"

Karma then showed the antidepressants. He didn't need to ask Gakushū about those, but he needed to know something.

"Have you been taking these?"

"Yes" he knew Gakushū was lying.

"Why is it full? Why does the bottle look new? Why is the receipt still there?"

"I--I ran out so I had to buy new ones" Gakushū excused.

Karma scoffed and tossed him the pills. "You never took a single dose of the antidepressants didn't you Asano?"

Suddenly feeling angry, Asano snapped. "I don't need them! I'm fine!"

"Well then  you won't need these as well" Karma took away the pills he uses to keep himself awake for long periods of time

Gakushū panicked, and tackled him to the ground.

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