45| I'm your pillar too

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Within my mind, there are only thoughts of you
I'm at a loss, I can't figure out what to do


When Karma woke up, he was being carried by Gakushū on his back. "Had a nice nap?" Gakushū asked, a small smirk.

Karma blushed dark red. "Whoa--Put me down! This is embarrassing!" He snapped, hitting Gakushū's shoulder.

"Ouch! Ouch! Stop it! Ouch--damn it Karma I said stop it!" Gakushū hissed as the boy on his back hit him.

Passerby looked at the boys either with amusement or bewilderment. One boy was carrying a red faced red head on his back while said red head was hitting and cursing him. They made such an odd sight.

Eventually Gakushū got Karma to calm down and stop hitting him. "You can put me down, I can walk from here" Karma told him.

"No, you're still tired, just go back to napping until we arrive at your place" Gakushū said. "Aren't I heavy?" Karma raised a brow.

"Please" Gakushū chuckled. "You underestimate my strength Karma, to me you weigh like a girl". Must be because he's lost a bit of weight, but whatever. If this idiot wants to carry him like a king then he'll let him carry him like a king, and Gakushū is his ride!

Karma smirked and wrapped his arms around Gakushū's neck, pressing his cheek against his shoulder. Yes, this is nice, really nice, it reminds him of those days when he was five and he fell asleep in the car and his mother would gather him in her arms and carry him inside.

He liked being carried so much that he'd often pretend to be asleep in the car just so she's carry him. This doesn't always work though, as his mother can tell when he's faking and when he isn't.

"Karma, you're not...." Gakushū began hesitantly. "Not taking any substances to help you stay awake for an entire night right? Or anything to help you sleep properly?" He brings up.

Gakushū felt Karma tense behind him, but only for a second.

"Ha? No of course not" Karma scoffed. "what would I need those for anyway?"

"You tell me" Gakushū retorts.

Karma bit his lip and looked to the side, pressing his cheek against Gakushū's neck and inhaling his calming scent. "I mean...." He grumbled. "I mean I might have bought a sleeping pill bottle from the drug store"

Gakushū bit the inside of his cheek to refrain from snapping at him. "Uh ha, anything else?"

"That's just about it Gakushū. I've just been having trouble sleeping, been having nightmares" Karma revealed.

Gakushū sighed before setting him down.

Karma's feet barely touched the ground when Gakushū scooped him up again and sweeped him off his feet, surprising his red haired friend by carrying him bridal style. He laughed fondly when Karma turned beet red. "O-oi! Ya gotta stop doing that it's embarrassing!" Karma hissed. "People are watching!"

"Let them stare, I don't care" Gakushū shrugged. "Listen here red head, I want you to know that this isn't a one sided partnership. You punch someone for my sake, I punch someone for yours, you keep me safe, I keep you safe, et cetera" he narrowed his eyes seriously at the red head

"I want you to know that you can come to me for comfort too, I'll open my arms to you and hold you just as you've held me" He mentally patted himself on the back when he saw the hopefulness in Karma's eyes

"You don't have to be the only one strong for us, I can be your pillar too" at the warmth in Karma's eyes, Gakushū knew he's hit the jackpot. Karma tightened his arms around Gakushū's neck and pressed himself against him more, Gakushū breathed in Karma's soft hair, his shampoo filling his nostrils.

"Jusht.....shstake mhpee home..." was Karma's muffled(because his face was pressed against Gakushū's chest) reply.

Gakushū chuckled. "Heh, yeah princess we're almost home" he felt smug when he saw Karma's ears turn red, and the boy pressed against him even more. How adorable, who would have thought the big bad red devil had a side like this to him?

"And only I can reduce him to this" the possessive side of him thought.

Oh he should get a hold of himself! They're not even dating yet.

"And already I've cuddled with him, kissed his forehead, kissed him while he is asleep, and now I'm carrying him home"

"What do you want for dinner?" He found himself asking Karma.

Karma looked up at him. "You know what I like"

(Author: Gakushū keeps referring to Karma's home as simply 'home' as if it's their home because he feels safer, more comfortable in Karma's mansion with Karma, than he does at his own)

You Saved Me(Completed) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang