34| Cafe 'date'

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So we'll be alright gonna be alright, Sou Shinjite kita, you make me feel fine you make me smile, Donna tokki datte yeah


To Karma's relief, when they arrived at the new cafe Nagisa mentioned, the blue haired boy and their other friends weren't there. Either they changed their minds, or they just ordered takeout and left.

Either way, he and Gakushū can be alone, and enjoy some peace and quiet. This place had quite the calming affect, and the music playing in the background was soothing and sweet. Albeit the lyrics were cliché, Karma decided he liked the song.

True to Gakushū's words, Karma was only allowed to chose cheap cakes from the menu, since Gakushū is the one paying for them. "I was only joking. But whatever, free food!" Karma thinks, as he scanned the list of cakes and beverages.

Gakushū meanwhile was warily scanning the place for any signs of his classmates or schoolmates or anyone from the student council. Since the Cafe is new, he was sure students from Kunogigaoka would check it out. He worried that he'll be seen and be reported to his father.

"Oi" Karma showed Gakushū the menu, pointing at the slice of cake he wanted.

"Huh?" Gakushū returned his attention to Karma, before lowering his eyes to the menu and what Karma was pointing at.

"Strawberry covered chocolate cake and strawberry milkshake?" Gakushū snickered. "I'm not surprised, you are strawberry obsessed"

"Don't knock it until you try it" Karma shrugged.

The cake and milkshake combined only costed 1,000 yen( about 8.67 United States Dollars)

Gakushū went to order for the cake and milkshake. The boys agreed to just slice the cake in half, but Gakushū said he'll be the one cutting to make sure it's fair(something tells Gakushū Karma would have given himself a bigger slice).

It wasn't long before the cake and milkshake arrived

It wasn't long before the cake and milkshake arrived

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"Shouldn't there only be one milkshake?" Gakushū pointed at the two cups

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"Shouldn't there only be one milkshake?" Gakushū pointed at the two cups. Karma checked the menu again. "It's a buy one get one free" he showed Gakushū. "Aaaaand since ya don't like strawberry milkshakes I guess I'll ta- Ouch!"

Karma rubbed his hand and scowled at Gakushū, who had slapped his hand away.

The red head pouted. "Mean" he said to Gakushū. The other boy just ignored him and took a sip of his strawberry milkshake(it tasted delicious, but too sweet for his liking) before cutting the cake in half.

"Thank you for the food" the two said. Karma clinked their cups together, before loudly slurping his milkshake.

"Don't slurp! Idiot" Gakushū scolded, pinching Karma's cheek.

"Ouch! You're not my mom!" Karma pinched the back of Gakushū's hand.

"Owe!" Gakushū removed his hand from Karma's cheek and rubbed it.

Karma laughed at him, before returning to enjoying his cake and milkshake.

Gakushū just sighed before gradually returning to enjoying his own.

This is nice, he decided. Sitting in a quaint cafe with a friend(even if that friend just happens to be the red devil Akabane Karma himself) enjoying cake and drinking milkshake (which is a rarity for Gakushū), it was almost too good to be true.

"You'll be facing the harsh reality when you get home, eventually" a dark voice reminded him. "Shush it" he hushed that dark voice, pushing it to the very back of his mind.

He was surprised when he felt a soft finger pressing against the corner of his mouth.

"Don't take this the wrong way" Karma smirked as he wiped the crumb at the corners of Gakushū's pink lips.

He was almost tempted to lick the crumb from his finger, but that would make Gakushū uncomfortable.

"I could have done it myself" the strawberry blonde said, rubbing the corners of his lips.

The red head tried to go back to eating, but he found himself focusing less on his dessert, and more on Gakushū's mouth.

Karma blushed as he discreetly watched Gakushū take another spoonful of cake, his tongue darting out between his teeth to lick his lips a little. He briefly wondered if Gakushū's lips were as soft as they looked like--

"Impure thoughts GO AWAY!" Karma shook his head aggressively, pushing away thoughts of kis-- of testing out Gakushū's lips.

"Are you alright Karma?" Gakushū asked, concern in his voice.

"F- I'm fine!" Karma inwardly groaned at the strain in his voice. He stood up "Just need to use the men's room real quick" he lied, before walking away.

Gakushū watched the back of Karma's head, concerned.

He simply shrugged off Karma's behavior and went back to eating his dessert. Except he couldn't focus on enjoying it because his thoughts kept returning to Karma's finger against the corner of his lips.

"This is bad/isn't good " Karma and Gakushū thought.

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