5| Explain

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"What the hell Asano?!" Karma pushed the strawberry blonde off him. "Please! I need them! You can get rid of my sleeping pills but I need those in my life!" Gakushū begged him.

"What you need are the sleeping pills, and the antidepressants! Not these junk!" Karma made to toss the stay awake pills out the window but Gakushū grabbed his arm.

"I'm not depressed! Those were for...just in case! And that pill bottle in your hand keeps me functioning properly!" Gakushū argued, Karma however, failed to see the logic in his words, perhaps there was no logic at all.

"You jumped off a bridge!"

"That wasn't my intention! Believe me Akabane putting myself in danger was never on my mind! I was just having a rough day and my headache was killing me, I was slipping in and out of conscious!" The strawberry blonde pushed Karma to the ground.

The red head dropped the pills and Gakushū picked them up, cradling it close to his heart. The red head had enough.

Karma got up and tackled him, the two rolled around the carpet floor in a sort of brawl. Eventually, Karma had Gakushū pinned beneath him, his arms above his head held down by Karma's one hand.

"Look at you" Karma scoffed. "You're so weak, you're so pathetic, I can do whatever the hell I want with you"

Gakushū's pulse quickened.

"Explain to me Asano"

Gakushū growled under his breath and turned his head to the side, refusing to meet Akabane's predatory eyes. "Explain...explain what exactly?"

"You know what"

Gakushū muttered curses under his breath. He was telling Karma the truth when he said he didn't meant to jump, he didn't know what was going on with him.

He was just in pain, both physically and mentally. Made worse because of his father's taunting, degrading words.


A couples of hours previously....

Gakushū woke up to a stinging coming from his wrists up to his arms. He pushed off his blanket, and looked at the bloody bandages wrapped around his arms.

He checked the box under his bed where he kept his medical supplies. It was empty, he will have to go to the store to buy new ones.

The strawberry blonde couldn't even shower because it meant removing the bandages and then having to put them on again. Instead, he settled for washing his face and under arms.

He put on his always neatly ironed uniform, and looked at his mirror. The bags under his eyes were more prominent, and is he paler than usual?

Breakfast with his parents was the same. Under cold heavy silence, with his mother sitting by his father's side.

They all kept their heads bowed, focusing mostly on their food.

That was how it was in that household, that was how it will always be.


Gakushū decided to triple his stay awake pills today, and it worked like a charm. He had more energy the entire day, he could keep up with his facade.

It was only Ren who noticed that something was wrong with him, even with his pills taking effect.

Gakushū had thrown up all of his lunch in the boy's room. That way if his father were to punch his stomach, he wouldn't vomit in the carpet floor and receive another beating for being "weak and disgusting"

"Asano-kun, oi Asano-kun" Ren kept knocking on his stall door.

"--fine Ren!" He called out. "I'm fine". After vomiting some more, he flushed the toilet and left as if nothing was wrong, and proceeded with the rest of the day.



"I guess it was my hunger that clouded my senses, maybe I should have ate after my meeting with the Chairman" Gakushū finished retelling his day.

Karma just sat there, staring at the weak, mentally unstable, half naked boy in his bed. When he spoke again however, it wasn't what Gakushū was expecting.

"I fucking hate your dad" he growled dangerously, like a predator.

Gakushū however, couldn't help but give a small laugh. "I'm not sure about how I feel for him. I don't know if I hate him in general or only what he does to me "

"There's more isn't it?" Karma narrowed his eyes.

"What good would telling you do? Can you stop him?" Gakushū challenged. "But I suppose I could, it's not like anyone would do something about it. I have plenty of free time now"

(Author: the next two chapters will be uncomfortable, I mean, if you're not a fan of a little blood and beating, and little Gakushū getting ditched in the middle of the street)

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