37| Indirect kis

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I don't give a damn
I've let my emotions go
Fuck being a sober hoe


"Have a good day at school" Gakuho said to him quietly as they both left the car and headed for the building. Gakuho walked ahead of Gakushū, letting the boy lag behind as he stared at his father's back in confusion. Why....why was the man being nice to him today? Remorseful? Rare, polite? Sure. But nice? "It's because mother is home" he reasoned. But mother isn't here with them, he's at school with his father, so his father can drop the act and treat him like trash again. Not physically hurt him, but emotionally drain him. Gakushū decided not to delve deeper anymore, and just go get himself a drink before heading for morning assembly.


He looked like shit, he can tell. He's well aware of the stares from his classmates, burning a hole at the back of his head. "Hey, are you alright?" He heard Isogai whisper behind him. "You don't look so good...you can sit this one out you know, I mean you rarely even come to assembly so no one will ask why you're not here-"

"I'm fine!" He snapped harshly, effectively silencing Isogai. He sighed when he saw the hurt in his eyes, he was just being concerned for him after all. But Karma didn't need their concern, he hates getting coddled, hates the pitiful looks they throw at him. "Sorry" he forced himself to say. "I just, barely slept last night" scratch that, he didn't sleep at all.

"Oh" was all Isogai managed to let out.

Karma felt something cold pressed against his cheek.

It was a small blue bag. "Press it against your eyes later" Isogai instructed. "And the side of your head too, trust me, it'll help you" he smiled kindly.

Karma, tired and feeling particularly snappy and bitter, almost rolled his eyes at Isogai. But, he does appreciate Isogai's sincerity. "Thanks" he said, taking the cold bag and placing it inside his pocket.

His eyes scanned the crowd of students for strawberry blonde hair. He frowned when he couldn't find the boy

"Where is he?" His eyes landed from student to student. "Where are you?"

He felt worry bubbling in his chest, but he forced himself to calm down.

Then, relief flooded in him when he saw Gakushū sneak in and line up with the rest of A-class. He watched the boy turn his head left and right, as if looking for something and someone. Then his eyes met Karma's. Gakushū's eyes widened, probably because of Karma's disheveled appearance, no doubt he'll be confronted about it later on. Karma just smirked at Gakushū and playfully winked at him, Gakushū just frowned at rolled his eyes before returning his attention to the front.


Karma didn't skip any of his classes that day. He kept most to himself, was quiet, and avoided all of his friends. He knew he was worrying them, but he was just too tired to do much of anything really, even talking.

Isogai's bag helped him though. During class he kept the cold bag pressed against his eyes and occasionally moved it to the side of his head. He felt his eyes' swelling stop, and his headache halted. He made a mental note to buy Isogai a meal later as a thanks, considering the guy always ate very sorry-looking-lunches. Or maybe just give him his entire bento box instead? Karma wasn't feeling hungry anyway, and he barely put effort into cooking his food earlier that morning.

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