3| What are you going through?

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Korosensei grabbed the four of them with his tentacles and in five seconds, they appeared infront of Karma's house.

"Now I would stay here and help you patch up that poor boy, but I have an important appointment in Egypt" Korosensei excused himself. "Karma, make sure to treat him with delicacy, don't be so rough with him alright?"

And with that, their octopus teacher disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Do you want us to stay Karma?" Nagisa asked. "We can help look after Asano until he wakes up"

"No, it's fine. Just help me open the gates and then the doors" Karma led his classmates to his house.

Kayano fished Karma's keys from his pocket and unlocked the giant double gates.

They walked up to the front of Karma's house, Nagisa and Kayano marvelling at it's interior. "The door Nagisa" Karma kicked the still closed door with his foot.

"R-right" Nagisa took the keys to the front door from Karma's jacket pocket(it was a miracle it wasn't lost in the river) and unlocked the oak doors.

"Thanks, but I can take it from here" he assured the two. "Okay, call us if you need our help Karma" Kayano and Nagisa placed the keys back in Karma's pocket. "Here's Asano's bag" Kayano held it out.

Karma put on one of the straps. It was heavy, what the hell does this guy carry around?

The red head nodded at his friends before locking the door shut and making his way up the stairs.

When he reached his room, he was about to lay Gakushū down but realized the boy was wet.

He unzipped Gakushū's pants and pulled them off, leaving him in his black boxers. Then Karma reached his hand to pull those off too.

But then he stopped, suddenly realizing how weird this was and should Gakushū wake up just as he's pulling off his underwear the boy might get the wrong idea.

So Karma removed Gakushū's blazer, his tie, and unbuttoned his white uniform.

That was when he realized Gakushū's torso and abdomen was covered in bandages. Bandages that was slowly turning red with the reopened wounds. Looking down Gakushū's bandages wrists were bleeding too.

Shakily, Karma removed all of Gakushū's bandages, threw them to the side, picked the boy up again, and rushed to the bathroom.

He placed the unconscious boy on the tub ran the warm water.

He opened his cabinet and searched for first aid kid. He found one, much to his immense relief. Then he turned to Gakushū who was half conscious now.

"Akabane..." He murmured. "Don't talk much" Karma said. He cursed when he saw the water mixed with red liquid. Turning off the faucet, he picked up the naked, bloodied boy, and covered him in a fluffy towel.

"What the hell are you going through? Damn it" he muttered through clenched teeth as he dried the boy, and then start to disinfect the opened wounds.

Gakushū hissed in pain, causing Karma to hesitate about continuing, because the alcohol was hurting Gakushū. But he went on with it, knowing it was for the strawberry blonde's own good.

When Gakushū was covered in fresh new bandages, and his wounds were disinfected(some Karma had to stitch himself to close), the red head hastily dressed the weak(because of blood loss) boy in his old clothes.

And then carried him back to bed.

Karma stayed by Gakushū's side as the boy lost consciousness again. Then, he went to search Gakushū's bag.

As expected, it was full of thick books, rulers, pens and pencils, notebooks, and more books.

Digging around a bit more, he found a plastic containing sleeping pills, stay awake pills, and antidepressants.

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