38|Small affection

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Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me you gave my life direction, a game show love connection we can't deny


"Ew gross!" Gakushū made gagging sounds as he rubbed his lips, Karma just laughed at him. "We shared saliva through spoon--honestly aren't you a little grosses out?!"

"Nope" Karma stated, popping the 'p',

Gakushū just rolled his eyes, and gave Karma his bento box. "You can finish the rest, I'm already full" he said, shoving his hands in his pocket and heading towards the door.

Karma never noticed the red color of Gakushū's ears as he dug in the food.

Meanwhile, Gakushū went to the vending machine to get a box of orange juice.

"There you are Asano-kun!" Came Ren's voice from behind him. Gakushū spun around and saw the brunet beaming at him. "I've been looking for you everywhere, where were you?"

"Around" Gakushū said, inserting the money into the vending machine.

"Ahh, I see" Ren stood there awkwardly as his friend bent to pick up the carton box from the slot. "Where did you eat lunch Asano-kun? You usually eat with us" Ren continued. "You stopped eating at the cafeteria, and you've been distancing yourself"

Has he been distancing himself? He didn't mean to, he's just been preoccupied with other matters. Like surviving his father and his prison-like-household.

"I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind and being alone helps me think" Gakushū apologizes, sipping his orange juice through the straw.

For a while, Ren was quiet. He just stood there listening to his friend sipping his orange juice. "Uh..are you, angry at me?" He asked.

"What for?"

"For-" Ren was hesitant. "For telling your father about-"

He noticed Gakushū tensed a bit. "About?" Gakushū asked.

"...nevermind, it's nothing" Ren smiled a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I was just concerned for you so I asked your dad about, how you've been lately"

"Oh" was all Gakushū responded.

"Well, time to go! It's almost time for class and we still have a lot to do at the student council room" Ren took Gakushū's wrist and dragged him along.

"Of course" Gakushū sighed, imagining the workload.

Ren's eyes strayed to Gakushū's still bandaged wrists. "When are you gonna take those off?" He asked.

Gakushū eyed his bandages. "Soon" he assured.

They soon arrived at the classroom and prepared for their lessons.

They were given a quiz, and Gakushū used this to take his mind off of a certain red haired boy.

He was the first one to finish, which wasn't a surprise. And since there was nothing for him to do, he just stared out the window and to the mountain where the E-class building was.

He remembered a story his mother told him once, about his father's younger days. How he was a different man back then, his kindness to his students. Gakushū couldn't imagine what his mother told him, he just couldn't see the kind man his mother painted.

The young Asano Gakuho she knew, and the Asano Gakuho he grew up with...are very different people.

What happened to his father to cause such a drastic change?

A student of his committed suicide.

"If I had succeeded in my suicide attempt that day....would it make a big impact on him too?" He thought.

His phone vibrated.

He took out his phone from his pocket and looked at it from under the desk. A text from his mother.

Mom: Would you like to go out on Saturday Gakushū? Just you and me

He smiled affectionately.

Me: thanks mom. I'd love to

Mom: You can bring a friend with you if you want

Me: No, I just want to be alone with you

You Saved Me(Completed) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora