15| Hours later

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Hey dad look at me, think back, and talk to me, did I grow up according to plan?

When Karma woke up, it has been hours later. The sun was slowly setting, and the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. He frowned, and stretched his arms, but then he felt something heavy on his lap.

He looked down, and saw Gakushū's head on his lap, eyes closed and lips in a straight line.

"Oi..." He tapped Gakushū's nose. "wake up"

Gakushū's brows furrowed, but he didn't wake up.

The red head smirked, before pinching Gakushū's cheeks, snickering to himself. The strawberry blonde opened his eyes, revealing amethyst orbs glaring at him. "Prick" he hissed, slapping Karma's hand off his cheek.

Karma childishly stuck out his tongue. "I wish I took a picture" he said. "Sadly, my phone is out of battery.

"Wait..." Gakushū sat up hurriedly. "W-what time is it?" He frantically searched his clothes for his phone to check the time.

"I don't know, but I think it's after school hours-"

"Shit!" Gakushū got up quickly and dusted his trousers, before fixing his tie that had loosened. "I was supposed to be at a meeting for the student council!" He was already running to the door.

Karma frowned, before getting up and chasing after him. "It's probably over by now!" He called after.

"My meeting with my father then!" Gakushū nearly tripped over his feet and fall down the stairs but the red head grabbed him by the arm and steady him. "I'm supposed to meet him after school!"

He has to go to that dark office he hates so much to present a new report for the student council's budget. His father hates tardiness, arriving late is doom for him.

And his pills! Where the fuck are his pills? He needs them to calm himself down! Or else he won't be able to think clearly.

"Let go!" Gakushū yanked his arm from Karma, and continued running to the direction of the office.

But then he collided to the body of someone, and fell on his back. The blonde angrily glared at whoever it was, but his blood froze when his eyes looked into the stoney face of the chairman.

"Where were you?" Gakuho asked in an eerily calm voice. "I was told you didn't attend your afternoon classes, and missed your student council meeting"

"Forgive me father" Gakushū automatically said.

"Get up, you look pathetic on the floor"

Karma narrowed his eyes at the man.

Gakushū got to his feet, and bowed his head at the man. "I'm sorry, I promise this will never happen again"

He clenched his fists so hard that his nails cut his skin and his palms drew blood. His father raised a hand, letting it hover above Gakushū's head. He snapped his eyes closed, sucking in a breath to try and calm himself down.

"Make sure" was all Gakuho said, before turning his back on his son and walking away.

Karma walked up to Gakushū, stopping to stand beside him. He let his hand brush against Gakushū's, this calmed the boy down and he stopped clenching his hands.

The strawberry blonde straightened up, releasing the breath he was holding.

"Hey" he looked at Karma. "I'll treat you to strawberry milk"

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