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(Before seeing the bodies)

I had to get out of there. So much pain and anger consumed me that I almost killed her. No matter how much I think she deserves it, she still is just a kid. A child who was brainwashed to believe she could do good, by an evil man.

The truth is I never actually wanted to kill her, even after finding out the Truth. I just never wanted to see her again. And when I did my emotions took over. However, I did want her to still feel the same kind of pain I felt.

I truly wanted to help her in the beginning. Now, I don't care what happens to her. But she won't be killed by my hands.

I'm not a monster.


My footsteps are loud against the floor tiles.

It's so quiet I can hear my own heartbeat.

I look around as I make my way closer to the rainbow room.

There's no sense of life anywhere.

I swallow hard, my heart pounding faster in my chest.

I approach one of the bodies and examine it.

My eyes widen and I stumble back slamming my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming.

"Oh God.."

The bodies are exactly how the Creel families were in the article, it matches the description perfectly, only the sight is worse than I ever could have imagined..

"Peter.. what did you do.."

I turn my head to a strange noise coming from the other end of the hall.

It's coming from the rainbow room..

I slowly stand up.

Creatures from the upsidedown don't scare me.. but something about all this absolutely terrifies me.

I swallow hard and slowly start making my way over to the room.

(Time skip)

I approach the two white corridors, placing my hands against the cold metal.

I hesitate pushing it open.

What am I out to witness behind these doors?..

Will I run away or freeze again?..

I take a deep breath and push through the doors, preparing for the worst.

(Time skip)

Blood. Bodies. Children.


My eyes widen as I watch Peter holding up the last remaining child.

I look closer, trying to figure out who it is.

Then I notice the number on the wrist


In one flick of the wrist Peter practically snaps the child in half, his body falls to the floor.

I gasp, stepping back.

Peter turns halfway, giving me the side eye.

Peter: " I asked you to wait."

A shiver runs down my spine at his tone of voice.

I look around.

Every single child lies dead on the floor like a piece of garbage. All having their bodies completely disfigured.

Peter appoches me.

I tremble in fear, unable to move. Unable to feel.

His eyes have become red and irritated once again and that same terrifying look in his eyes has come back.

He lifts up my chin.

Peter: "You didn't run.."

A tear rolls down my face at that single sentence.

He pulls me into a warm embrace. The action making me jump.

When he pull away he looks me in the eyes.

He notices me trembling.

Peter: "I'm not a monster y/n"

My face changes and I look into his eyes.

He gives a half smile.

I look over at the bodies of all the children.

He follows my eyes.

Peter: "They've done nothing but cause you pain. They will no longer hurt you, I've taken care of them. "

"By killing them?"

Peter: " They're not gone y/n. They're still with me."

He points to his head.

Peter: " In here".

I swallow hard.

He stands up and starts pacing back and forth with his hands clasped behind his back.

(Author: I'ma make this monologue short and not like his hour long one in the show, however she still needs a good explanation so it won't be super short either 💀)

Peter: "when I was a boy, my only dream was to see the world. Explore every inch of it infact. And with the abilities I developed at a young age, I knew that could be possible. However, a certain someone kept me isolated from the world. My father. He didn't approve of my dream, he wanted me to live a normal and successful life. But I was anything but normal. Everyday is and is expected to be the same, for everyone. You wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce and die. Every human lives the same life. Why did I have to be the same? After a while, I finally had enough. My mother was the first to notice my strange behavior. So, she had to go. My father thought it was the devil himself that haunted our house, that took my mother.
Strange things started happening around the house. Lights would flicker. The radio would randomly turn on.. all were the affects of my power. My father wanted to leave. To get us out and keep us safe. But I was done moving around. The night my sister and mother's bodies
were found, was the same night my father was taken away for the death of them. I ran away that night, in hopes of seeking out my dream of seeing the world. I finally had my freedom."

Peters eyes meet mine.

Peter: "But I was far from free."

I swallow hard.

Peter: " Brenner found me. He took me here and tried to make me his lab rat. But he couldn't control me. Not like he could with the others. So he desided to lock my abilities away. He forced me down and put that chip in me. He used my blood to make the other's stronger."

"Because you're the original.."

He looks at me and starts walking towards me.

I tense up.

He caresses my check.

Peter: " And then you came along. The light that brightened up my dark and hollow world."

I look up at him.

He gives me his gentle smile.

I finally figured out why I couldn't run away. Why I didn't escape to freedom when it was just seconds away.

My heart throbs inside my chest as another tear falls.

I fell in love..

After everything that's happened, after everything I've seen today. My feelings somehow never changed..

He's still the same person he was before..
He always was broken. But there was something keeping him from being whole.

He's been all alone.. all these years..


Peter gives me a confused look.

Why did it have to be


(Author: Sorry for not posting for a while, I kinda forgot I didn't post this chapter- I thought I did. But anyway, I hope you're all enjoying it so far and keep your eyes open. For new chapters because it's not over yet )

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