The Rainbow room 🌈

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I don't remember much after I was carried out of the room, the pain washed away any memory of what happened after. All I know is that those same gentle hands that brought me there,were the same ones that brought me out. I wake up with, yet again, another pounding headache. My throbbing head is worse then the first time and my whole body feels like it's under some sort of spell. I exhale and look around the room. Something in the corner of my eyes catches my attention. A note.

I slowly turn over, each movement sending a rush of pain through every inch of my body. I grown in an attempt to reach the note.

I grasp the note, feeling my figure tips slide against the edges of the sticky-note. The handwriting is super neat, it almost shocks me. I begin to read the note

"You were very brave in there, I hope you feel better soon :)"

The smiley face at the end made me giggle. I can already tell who wrote it. I wish I knew his name. I hear the camera in my room begin to move and I quickly sneak the note under my pillow. I don't want him getting in trouble because of me. I look at the cameras again, the blinking lights on them are really starting to tick me off. I begin to slip out of bed. Every inch if me is still in pain and I have to bite my lip to keep myself from screaming in pain.

Suddenly the door burst open the reveal the same man as before. My face lights up as I see that same genuine smile. I look down to see he brought a wheelchair with him.

???: " This might be easier for you. It's not much but I hope it helps"

"It's perfect" I say.

I quickly throw my hand over my mouth. Why did I say that out loud? What the fuck y/n. I look up at him and he smiles.

???: "Do you want me to help you up?"

Normally I would never ask for help with something as simple as getting out of bed, but every bone and muscle in my body hurts like hell. I already can barely roll on my side. I look up at him and slowly nod. He happily walks over and picks me up. I cringe at the pain. He gives me a worried look.

???: "Sorry did I hurt you?"

I don't want to make him feel bad so I just shake my head. I don't think he buys it because he lightly puts me back on the bed and brings the wheelchair over to me. He picks me up as if it's second nature to him and gently puts me down in the chair. I fiddle with my fingers out of embarrassment. He then spins me around and starts rolling me down the hall. Suddenly we stop and Dr.Brenner walks out of the next room. I sit up straight which sends a rush of pain down my back and I grunt at the pain.

Dr. Brenner: "what's she doing out of her room so soon".

I look back to see him with a nervous expression on his face. Was he not supposed to bring me out?

I quickly turn to Brenner and say
"Sorry, I needed to use the bathroom so when he came to check on me I told him
That I needed to go"

Brenner looks at the him.

Brenner: "Why were your checking on her?'

???: "Just momentary checks, I had to make sure she wasn't doing anything she wasn't supposed to".

Brenner: "Thats what the camera's are for".

???: " Yes sir, sorry".

He gives us both a suspicious look then moves out of the way to allow us to continue down the hall.

Brenner: "Bring her to the rainbow room when she's done. It's time she meets the others".

The man behind me just nods and continues pushing me down the hall. He lowers his head to my ear and whispers a quick thanks. I smile and reply back with a "no problem".

"So why did you decide to bring me out?" I say.

???: "I just thought you would want some time out of that stuffy room"

I smile

"Yeah, it is nice to be out of there"

???: "I'm sorry I can't do more, I wish I could give you some real fresh air"

I smile at his thoughtfulness. I turn to look at him. He looks down at me.

"What's your name" I ask.

He looks like he doesn't know what to say, as if theres a force keeping him from telling me.

"You don't have to tell me if I'll don-".



???: "Just call me Peter, that's what Papa calls me".

"But is that your real name?" I ask.

He looks away. I don't press the topic any farther. For all I know Brenner must have given him a fake name too and brainwashed him to forget his old life. Just like everyone else here.

My body is starting to regain feeling and strength. The thought of being able to walk on my own again seems to bring me joy. Who knew such a simple thing could cause such and inconvenience. As Peter continues to roll me around and I begin to notice my surroundings. They look familiar, not just because every hallway looks the same, but because I manage to find small differences about each one. For instance the last hallway had a dent in the second door to the right. The next hallway had a scuff mark in the middle of it. The the one last time had blood stains on the ceiling. Now we're back the the door dent hallway.

Peter seemed to notice me analyzing things.

Peter: "Your a very smart girl".

I turn to look at him and he just smiles and tilts his head to the door with the dent.

Peter:" it's also how I find my way around the place".

So my theory was right, he is new. He still doesn't know his way around, or maybe even people who have been here a while get lost, who knows.

I smile at the fact that we both noticed the same things.

Peter: "Do you need to use the restroom?"

Before I only said that to get him out of trouble, but now that I think about it I kinda do have to go. The thought of him helping my in the toilet makes my face heat up. How embarrassing would that be! So to save myself from embarrassment I shake my head.

(Time skip)

After going around in circles, I notice we're in a new hallway, there's no dent, no scuff, no blood, this hallway almost looks completely untouched. I start to hear the sounds of children. Finally we stop In front of two familiar cora doors. I read the sign.

The Rainbow Room.

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